Love Though Any Time (7/?) Torchwood NC-17

Mar 22, 2009 19:49


Chapter Six


The archives were deathly quiet as I sat on the ground, stark naked waiting for an equally naked Captain Jack Harkness to come and find me. It wouldn’t be too long since he always cheated in this game. My mind reflected upon on what I was going to do to him when he eventually found me. The hunger burnt inside me waiting to burst out. If he didn’t show up soon I would have to start without him.

“Ah there you are!” Jack exclaimed a few minutes later. I looked up and saw him standing there, stark naked with a little surprise in a form of a massive erection. I stood up and smiled.

“I love it when you cheat,” I said while looking him over, “Makes it all worth while.” I added while getting closer to him.

“So what are you going to do about it then?” Jack asked before I pushed him back against the wall with my lips upon his. My tongue slid in while my hand snaked down towards his penis. Wrapping around I started to pump it furiously causing him to moan while we kissed. He pulled back for breath and told me to let go.

“Sorry but I was thinking about using this for something else,” He said, a little anger present in his voice, “Now bend over and support yourself against the wall.”

I smiled and did what I was told. I knew that he wanted to be inside me but I couldn’t help myself as I wanted to pleasure him a bit. Jack’s hands started to caress my buttocks, sliding a finger inside while bending over to place kisses upon my spine. I started to shudder underneath him.

“Just fuck me Jack,” I told him rather impatiently, “Anyway where did you keep the lube?”

“You don’t want to know,” Jack replied before removing his finger and finally sticking his cock in. I started to feel him move against me as he thrust deeper causing a pleasurable scream to escape my lips.

“Oh fucking god,” I screamed, “Come on faster!”

I heard Jack laugh before he started to thrust harder and faster. The feeling was excellent, almost too good for words. I started to swear in welsh before I felt my orgasm spurt onto the ground, a few minutes later Jack was resting on my back.

“Alright, now it’s my time to hide,” Jack said while planting kisses on my lower back.

“Oh do you have to hide?” I asked in a whiny tone.

“Yes, you know the rules,” Jack replied before moving back and running off to hide.

Hopefully it wouldn’t take too long to find him as I closed my eyes and started to count to fifty.


The light streamed through the window causing me to open my eyes in protest. The clock on the bedside table told me that it was seven in the morning. Throwing back the sheets I got up and grabbed the robe from the chair before walking out to a strange surprise in the kitchen.

“Oh hello,” Emmett said, while standing completely stark naked near the fridge. I couldn’t help but smile before putting my head down. “I was thinking of cooking us breakfast.”

“Morning, I’ll get breakfast if you like,” I told him, “You’re my guest so I should be the one....”

“Of course, sorry I’ll just go get dressed,” Emmett said with a smile.

Nice arse, I thought as he walked past me and couldn’t help but stare at it until he disappeared around down the corridor. It had been awhile since I had a naked man in my kitchen, but not to cook me breakfast. It had been a nice offer but I wasn’t sure if I would be able to concentrate.

Last night I hadn’t slept much because of the inner demons coming from the room across the corridor. Emmett seemed to be screaming in his sleep from the horrors that probably filled his mind from the war. I did eventually sleep but only to wake up a few times from my own inner demons. It was never going to be easy.

But I didn’t want it to be hard either.

ww2, jack/ianto, gwen/rhys, james/emmett, novel sized, martha/tom, captain emmett kingston, torchwood

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