Love Though Any Time (5/?) Torchwood NC-17

Mar 20, 2009 15:10


Chapter Four


The rest of the car journey was quiet as Jack refused to tell me more. The lights reflected off the window as Jack drove on, trying to calm himself down. The silence between us started to become unbearable, almost awkward. I hadn’t meant to say what I had said but I loved this man and couldn’t help feeling jealous. Images of us together in the hothouse, our hot sweaty hands on each others cocks pumping them furiously while Jack was yelling out for more were now vivid in my mind. Maybe later we could play naked hide and seek and if he cheated again then I would......

“James was reading my mind, wasn’t he?” Jack asked interrupting my train of thought.

“What gave you that idea?” I asked with a smug grin.

“Doesn’t matter, still I’m trying to think what we should do with Emmett,” Jack replied with a sigh, “I never knew he disappeared, thought he died like the rest of them.”

“Well James said something about a training session.” I revealed with a smile, “That might be a start since well he was a pilot.”

“Ah so James was reading his mind as well,” Jack mused while turning the corner towards Roald Dahl Plass, “Maybe we’ll just stick to looking through the reports, look for training sessions around the airbase here in Cardiff.”

“Alright got it, why only Cardiff?” I asked rather puzzled.

“It was where Emmett was based; he’d lived here since he was twelve,” Jack replied, “Though during the war he stayed in hotels.”

“Ok, Emmett was also thinking about a man in uniform,” I said sitting back in the seat.

“Probably a lover back in 1942,” Jack suggested with a shrug, “Though he did seem to be checking out James a bit.”

“When was the last time you saw him?” I asked looking at the slight smile on his face. “Also what are you thinking?”

“I last saw him in April 1942, in a bar in Cardiff,” Jack replied, “I’m thinking about how you seriously thought Emmett and I were lovers, I didn’t sleep with everyone I’ve ever met.”

“Alright fine, I just can’t feel jealous since you did know him,” I replied throwing up my hands, “Also he is quite handsome.”

“You’re sexy when you’re jealous,” Jack observed with a smile.

I went silent and went back to what I was thinking about before. Jack’s sweaty hand was now around my cock teasing it slightly causing me to yell in delight. He slowly knelt down and started to lick the tip of my penis, causing me to close my eyes in the daydream and real life. The tongue started to lick slowly before the feeling of his mouth over the end, as he took it fully in. The feeling felt wonderful, aware that Jack was probably watching me but I didn’t care.

Alright we’re here,” Jack said loudly causing me to wake up from my daydream. “I’ll be glad to do it later if you want,” He added with a wink.

“Is your name James?” I asked.


“Wow, look at you in your uniform,” Martha said as I entered the medical bay with Emmett. Jack had asked me to send Emmett straight to the medical bay as we were going to rely on reports about how he disappeared. I smiled before Martha’s eyes shifted to Emmett, “So you must be the handsome pilot,” She said which made me mentally kick myself.

“Well I must be, Captain Emmett Kingston,” He said and softly kissed her on the hand, “And who might you be?”

“Dr Martha Jones,” She said with a smile, “Now if you sit on that bed I will start the examination.” She added pointing over to the bed. Emmett nodded and followed her over to the bed and sat down.

“It’s great to see a woman doing a man’s job,” Emmett said to Martha, “Back in the day you would have been one of the pretty nurses.”

“Why thank you, though do try to keep your eyes up ok,” Martha replied quite jokingly. Emmett smiled.

“I was never interested in the nurses,” He replied with a smile before I felt his eyes upon me once again. “So you’re pretty safe,” He added.

“Alright could you unzip the top half of your uniform please,” She ordered, “I need to check your heart.”

Emmett did what he told and I couldn’t help but stare at his chest. My head started to shift sideways as my eyes looked over his quite fit chest, it wasn’t muscular or covered in hair, just smooth looking.

“Like what you see then?” Emmett said which snapped me right out of it.

“Oh sorry I couldn’t help but notice how nice Martha looked,” I said rather embarrassed, “Sorry if it looked like I was.....”

“Oh no,” He said with a smile before looking back at Martha.

Why did I hear disappointment in his voice?

ww2, jack/ianto, gwen/rhys, james/emmett, novel sized, martha/tom, captain emmett kingston, torchwood

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