Love Though Any Time (3/?) Torchwood NC-17

Mar 18, 2009 11:52


Chapter Two


General Peters led Gwen and me to a small room at the end of the hanger where they were holding the pilot. I couldn’t help keeping my eyes off Gwen; she was just so stunning in her crimson 40s style gown that she was wearing. She seemed to blush but didn’t say anything except giving me a smile before we stopped at the door. General Peters turned out to speak.

“As I said, he believes this is 1942 so please be careful,” General Peters explained, “Also at the moment we’re in the process of checking out if he is telling the truth so....”

“Of course, just present your findings to Captain Jack Harkness when you do,” Gwen interrupted with a smile.

“Always do,” General Peters confessed, “I’ll leave you to it.”

He walked back towards where the Spitfire was in the middle of the hanger. I stepped forward and turned the door handle to open the door. The pilot had his back to us when we entered with his hands behind his back. He was in a blue pilot’s uniform, that they wore while in the air. His brown helmet was sitting on the table. He turned around when Gwen closed the door.

“Ah they said Torchwood was coming to talk to me,” He said in an English accent, “But they didn’t tell me that one of them would be a very gorgeous woman.” He added when he spotted Gwen who blushed, “So what can I do for you?” He asked turning back to me.

I couldn’t help but stare at him with his black hair and very handsome features. That smile seemed to warm me up inside, making me speechless. Still I pulled myself together and started to speak.

“I’m James Elton and this is Gwen Cooper, we’re with Torchwood as you know,” I began trying not to dwell too much on his face, “We’re here to ask you a few questions, so could we start with you telling us your name, Mr.....”

“It’s Captain, Captain Emmett Kingston actually,” He said sticking out his hand, I shook it and couldn’t help give a smile, “I serve or served in the 42nd Flight Squadron in the British Air force during WW2.....Sorry your uniform is making me confused.”

I looked down at my uniform and blushed, “Sorry we just came from a 40s dance, have they explained to you where you are?”

“Of course, they think I believe this is still 1942,” He replied with a smile, “I don’t now since one of the men who found me showed me some weird device, an IPod? I believed he called it.”

I smiled, “Yes it’s like a record player only it’s smaller and you listen to it with earphones.”  I explained, “So yes you are in the year 2009.”

Wow, 67 years in the future, I heard him think in my mind as he tried to absorb in the news. I wasn’t trying to hear his thoughts but there they were clear in my mind. Emmett put a hand through his black hair before looked back at me but this time I felt his eyes looking me over differently than before. It sort of made me feel uncomfortable but in a nice way.

“We should explain that....” Gwen began but she was interrupted by the door opening. General Peters stuck his head in.

“Sorry Captain Jack Harkness would like to see the pilot,” He said with a smile, “I think he has some questions about the plane.”

“Ah ok we’ll be there in a minute,” Gwen told him before turning back to the pilot, “Alright we should warn you, Captain Harkness wears 40s military clothing so don’t be alarmed when you see him, it’s just his style.”

Emmett nodded, “I think I recognise the name,” He replied with a smile, “He doesn’t flirt does he, I mean with both genders.”

I smiled, “Well actually....” I began but Gwen jabbed me in the arm.

“Let’s just go see him alright.” She said with a smile.

As we walked towards the green spitfire, Emmett started to make conversation as we walked along but made his voice low as possible so Gwen wouldn’t hear.

“So Jack does flirt?” He asked rather amused.

“Yes he does, I thought considering where you were from....” I replied before trailing off. He seemed to understand.

“I watched men like me hide, even though the military turned a blind eye, society still condemned you everyday.” He explained rather solemnly.

“Are you um....” I asked awkwardly, “I mean I wouldn’t care if you were, it’s just.....”

“How nice of you, so yes I’m actually,” He interrupted with a smile, “You really blush easily for a man.” He added before he looked up and saw Jack standing at the nose of the plane with Ianto.

“Jack?” He asked rather surprised. Jack looked up from the nose.

“Hello Emmett,” Jack replied.

ww2, jack/ianto, gwen/rhys, james/emmett, novel sized, martha/tom, captain emmett kingston, torchwood

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