Love Though Any Time (1/?) Torchwood NC-17

Mar 14, 2009 15:28




The clear starless sky outside was perfect for a night of celebrating the wartime era that was the forties. The crowd was dressed up in old fashioned uniforms and dresses, couples pretending to share one last night together before the men went off to war. Even if they were pretending, I really felt I had been swept back in time.

The posters on the walls of the dance hall and Moonlight Serenade drifting across the dance floor from the band playing on the stage caused me to smile. I was sitting at a table with a tumbler of scotch in front of me. I watched my fellow colleagues dancing with their partners, Jack, Ianto, Gwen and Rhys. Martha was currently at home with her fiancé Tom as he only had just arrived home. She was my best mate and seriously wished she was here. Not that I didn’t like Tom.

It had been two months since I had discovered I had telepathy and was nearly killed by a shape shifter. Since then I had been to my other best friend Damien’s wedding and started seeing Dr Worthington for the Bipolar. Still I never stopped being in love with my boss Captain Jack Harkness and our friendship seemed to have grown but I hated myself for it.

“You’re still sitting here?” Jack asked as he walked over, “I thought you would be dancing with some pretty bird.”

“Don’t feel like dancing,” I replied with a smile, “Rather just sit here and drink.”

“What do you have there mate?” Rhys asked as he sat down in the chair next to mine. “Ah scotch, should have known.”

I smiled before looking back at Jack with interest. Was he going to sit down or just stand there?

“Was there anything else you wanted?” I asked him but he took my arm and took me towards the dance floor. This time the band was playing It’s De-lovely and I saw Gwen and Ianto walking the other way towards the table where Rhys was sitting. Jack wrapped his arm around me while still hold my hand. He pulled me in close and I wrapped my other arm around him. I don’t know why I just did.

“See this is nice.” Jack said as we danced slowly, “Just let the music slowly drift you away.”

“You should let me go before I do something stupid,” I replied.

“You mean like kiss me again?” Jack asked with a laugh, “You’ve been doing it a lot lately.”

“That’s because you keep spending time with me,” I replied pulling back at bit. Jack smiled and kissed me lightly on the cheek.

“You really need to find someone, James.” Jack told me before I heard his phone go off in his pocket. I smiled to myself as he let me go and took out his mobile. The look on his face soon changed as he up at me.

“We’re needed at the airbase,” was all he said.

ww2, jack/ianto, martha, jack, gwen, gwen/rhys, james/emmett, james, rhys, martha/tom, novel sized, ianto, captain emmett kingston, torchwood

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