Different but Sane (33/33) Torchwood

Mar 13, 2009 20:55



I couldn’t sleep that night with the on going headaches and the fear of falling asleep. Martha decided to stay behind and stay up with me. She ended up fast asleep on the couch while I watched crappy late night TV thinking about how I had been close to death. The darkness was there in my mind throwing me into confusion and fear. Maybe I needed some time to recover.

It was not to be as the next morning I felt much better after finally falling asleep at 3am and waking up to the smell of eggs. I entered the kitchen to find Martha cooking eggs in the frying pan and some bread in the toaster. I put my arms around her waist and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

“Morning, feeling better?” She asked with a smile.

“Yes much better thanks,” I replied before letting go and noticing that the table was ready set, “So um first day back at work for me.”

“Yes it is,” Martha agreed, “Though you’re working the graveyard shift for the week.”

I smiled and grabbed the toast from the toaster.

At the hub

“Ok so I did the autopsy on Dante’s wife and found this,” Martha said later on that day in Jack’s office. We were all standing around as Martha held up a crystal star on a chain. It had been obviously been cleaned.

“That is beautiful,” Gwen enthused adoringly.

“Yes it certainly is,” I agreed with a smile, “What is it?”

“I have no idea,” Jack finally replied after staring at it for awhile. “Still you may be able to tell us during the graveyard shift with me.”

I quietly groaned to myself before Jack spoke up again.

“Alright everyone may go except for James here,” Jack said and we quietly left the office.

“You behave alright,” Martha told me as she put on her jacket. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

“Yes mum,” I told her which made her frown, “Seriously I’ll be fine, have a good night.”

She nodded before kissing me lightly on the cheek. I kissed her back on the cheek and watched her leave with Gwen and Ianto. As the cog closed behind them, Jack appeared from his office.

“Well this means it’s just you and me,” Jack announced with a smile, “I’ll go get us some pizza,” He added and made his way over to the elevator.

As I watched him go up I realised that he will want coffee. Ianto had taught me how to work the coffee machine and a few times they had my creations. Though would he know the difference between Ianto’s coffee and mine?

I started to think about the jar of instant in the kitchen.

The End

jack/ianto, martha, jack, gwen, gwen/rhys, james, rhys, novel sized, ianto, torchwood

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