Different but Sane (30/?) Torchwood

Mar 11, 2009 12:40

Chapter Twenty Nine


Dr Worthington sat back in the seat and smiled. I guessed that he must have been impressed at how I had figured it all out. Maybe that’s what he wanted, for me to figure it out for myself instead of him telling me all the facts. Jack was like that as well, since he doesn’t always liked showing off when it came to aliens.

“Yes Jack is the real target.” Dr Worthington repeated, “I’m guessing that when you first met Thomas, he discovered that you were Lachlan’s great-grandson.”

“Do I look like him?” I asked.

“Strangely no but you have a troubled soul,” Dr Worthington replied, “Actually come to think about it, you have his blue eyes.”

I nodded, “When I met Thomas the second time at the hospital, he said he loved my eyes,” I replied with a smile, “Um may I ask you something that hasn’t got to do with case?”

“Yes, ask away,” He replied.

“Are you related to a James Worthington?” I asked which made sit up a bit.

“Yes I am, he’s my great-grandfather,” He replied, “Why are you....?”

“I look like him don’t I?” I interrupted pulling over again to the side of the road. Dr Worthington started to nod and put a hand on my shoulder.

“Yes and James Worthington is the reason why Jack is a friend of the family,” He explained, “They were lovers back in the early 1900s.”

“Shit, I really must be upsetting him,” I replied sitting back in the seat, “He’s actually in love with a ghost.”

“Are you in love with him?” Dr Worthington asked.

“Yes and hate myself for it,” I replied before pulling back out into the road, “Now let’s get back to Torchwood to tell the others.” I added before the phone rang.


I patiently waited for James to answer the phone. Well tried to anyway, Jack had left for James’ flat, hoping that he wouldn’t be there. Martha, Gwen and I were in the boardroom with the phone on speaker. After a few rings someone answered.

“Hello, sorry I had to put it on speakerphone.” James replied, “Dr Worthington’s with me.”

“Where are you?” I asked quite concerned.

“In the car, we’re on our way back to Torchwood.” James replied again, “Is Jack with you?”

“No he went to check up on you.” I said looking at Gwen and Martha. “He says you’re the next target.” I added which then caused some swearing to escape from James’ lips. Then an English accent started to speak.

“Hello Ianto isn’t it?” Dr Worthington asked in which I answered yes, “Could you do a favour for me and fetch that file from Jack’s desk.”

“Ok, but what’s it got to do with the case?”  I asked rather surprised.

“I’ll explain once you get it alright.” Dr Worthington replied rather cheerily. I turned to Martha and Gwen.

“Sorry I’ll be back in a minute.” I told them and ran off to Jack’s office.


“Change of plan, let’s go over to your apartment.” Dr Worthington told me as we waited for Ianto to come back.

“Shouldn’t we just call Jack?” I asked but Dr Worthington shook his head.

“Don’t you want to save him?” He asked.

“Well yes but....”

“Good now there’s the turnoff for Whitchurch.” Dr Worthington replied before sitting back in the chair, “Now this is getting very exciting.”

It’s like being in the car with Stephen Fry, I thought as I turned off towards my apartment block.

jack/ianto, martha, jack, gwen, gwen/rhys, james, rhys, novel sized, ianto, torchwood

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