Different but Sane (24/?) Torchwood

Mar 04, 2009 16:57


Chapter Twenty Three


Martha knelt down in front of me while I sat on the bed. Jack was standing near the door with his arms crossed. I heard the rain outside hitting against the bedroom window. That was the best thing about living here was the rain as I saw it about half of the year. Martha didn’t take notice but just looked into my eyes.

“Alright James, tell me what I’m thinking.” Martha said with a smile, “Also try to forget that Jack is here.”

I nodded and focused at what Martha was thinking. Her thoughts were quiet clear in my mind, that now I was embarrassed to answer her. Since the thought had something to do with Jack and last night.

“You’re thinking if Jack really slept on the couch.” I replied rather bluntly.

“Sorry Jack but he’s speaking the truth.” Martha said as she looked up at Jack, “Alright tell me what Jack is thinking.”

I stared at Jack for awhile until I felt tears form in my eyes. It seemed that what he was thinking was making me feel miserable. Staring awhile longer I broke down and put my head into my hands. I felt Martha’s arm move around my shoulder. Jack walked over and was now kneeling down in front of me.

“What’s wrong James?” Jack asked very concerned. “Please tell me.”

I didn’t answer as the tears kept coming. I was puzzled about the thoughts in his head and this was making me feel miserable and confused. Drying my eyes I looked at Jack and started to speak.

“Who’s James Worthington?” I asked, “And what’s he got to with me?”

Martha looked at Jack, “May I talk to you outside?”


I followed Martha into the kitchen where the uneaten eggs on toast sat on the table with the now cold Styrofoam cups of coffee. It seemed like a waste but that was what happened when you worked for Torchwood. I thought about what James had asked while watching Martha gripping her hands on the counter. She looked at me with slight anger and confusion showing in her eyes.

“Jack, was James telling the truth in there?” Martha asked staring at me with those eyes, “And please don’t lie to me.”

“He was unfortunately.” I replied, “Sorry I just couldn’t help thinking about him.”

“I don’t blame you; James really does look like him.” Martha replied turning her eyes to the kitchen window. “Maybe it’s time you told him.”

“Yeah but isn’t it strange that James can read minds?” I asked looking at her very puzzled, “I mean why is it happening now?”

“I don’t know,” Martha replied shaking her head, “I honestly don’t know.”

“Do you think it’s why he fainted?” I asked again. Martha looked over; the look on her face suggesting that she wasn’t sure. “Why didn’t Thomas see it?”

Martha was about to answer when the phone started to go off in my pocket. I took it out and answered it.

“Hey sir, it’s Ianto. Just calling to tell you that I found some information on the asylum that you might like to see.”

“Thanks Ianto.” I told him before hanging up. I looked at Martha. “James will have to wait; we’re needed at the hub.”

jack/ianto, martha, jack, gwen, gwen/rhys, james, rhys, novel sized, ianto, torchwood

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