Different but Sane (23/?) Torchwood

Mar 03, 2009 15:15


Chapter Twenty Two


I opened the door to see Martha standing there. She was fully dressed and looked at me. Probably very puzzled as to why I was here. I smiled.

“Morning Martha,” I said with a smile.

“Morning Jack, um is James home?” Martha asked a little confused.

I nodded, “Yes still sleeping.” I paused seeing the worry in her face, “Listen I should explain I came over last night to talk and ended up sleeping on the couch.”

She didn’t seem convinced but she walked in regardless and went straight to the kitchen. I followed her and watched as she took out a pan, eggs, some bread and set up the toaster. I smiled and walked towards the front door.

“Where do you think you’re going?” She asked which caused me to stop at the entrance of the kitchen, “I’m making breakfast for all of us.”

“Yes, I thought I’ll go and get us some coffee.” I replied turning around.

“James has a jar of instant coffee in one of the cupboards.” Martha told me with a smile.

“Instant? Oh please, I’ll be back with real coffee.” I replied and left the apartment, closing the door behind me.


I woke up to the smell of eggs cooking in the kitchen. Bolting upright I started to remember what had happened the night before. How I had come home to find Jack making tea causing me to feel anger towards him, the conversation we had and how it ended up with me kissing him. The state of vulnerability I was in before he told me to go to bed. Then coming out ten minutes later to find him watching QI and somehow managing to fall asleep halfway through. Nothing had happened between us that made me feel regretful. Well the kiss but somehow I didn’t regret it.

I looked down and realised that I was still dressed in the clothes I was wearing yesterday. I guessed that Jack had carried me and tucked me into bed, resulting in him sleeping on the couch. Right now I couldn’t help but think that he was out there making breakfast. For some reason I wished I was wrong. I got up but started to feel faint, stumbling a bit towards the door. I started to clutch my head as I started to hear a voice talking or was it thinking? I surprised myself when I started to zone in on the voice realising that it Martha’s.

Huh, did that meant I could read minds? Impossible since I had never heard them before. Except that I had felt Thomas reading my mind and he did tell me that there was something locked in there pretty tight? Maybe this was it that I could read minds and it was starting to seep through. Maybe it was even why I had fainted in the street. Jack probably didn’t have anything to do with it after all.

I heard the door unlock and footsteps stepping into the kitchen. It sort of distracted me from what Martha was thinking. There was a bit of chatter before footsteps coming towards the bedroom. The door opened and Jack peaked in and smiled.

“Morning sleepy head, I’ve bought us some coffee.” He said.

“You didn’t have to, there’s a jar of instant in the cupboard.” I replied with a smirk, knowing how much he hated instant coffee.

“There was no way I was having instant coffee.” He said before turning to leave.

“Thank you.” I blurted out which made him turn to face me.

“What for?” He asked rather puzzled.

“For this morning, I probably scared you when I mentioned the asylum.” I replied rather puzzled myself.

“So you remember what happened then?” He asked very surprised.

I sat there and shook my head, “But you were thinking it.” I told him.

jack/ianto, martha, jack, gwen, gwen/rhys, james, rhys, novel sized, ianto, torchwood

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