Different but Sane (15/?) Torchwood

Feb 20, 2009 21:59


Chapter Fourteen


I looked at the credentials that hung on the wall of Dr Charles Worthington’s office. I was impressed with what I saw thinking that I was going to talk with a real professional. Someone who knew what they were talking about. I hoped that I got the answers that I was looking for. Looking around the office I noticed that it well organised except for the mess of papers on the desk. It reminded me of Jack’s desk which was normally messy no matter how many times Ianto tried to clean it. Well ‘tried’ was a weird of saying that Jack kept distracting him. The shelves were full of books about different mental conditions and psychology which was normal. I heard the door open.

“James Elton I presume?” A well spoken English accent asked form behind me. I turned around to see a tall man with shortish brown hair, wearing glasses and sort of large. He wore a grey suit and looked a lot like Stephen Fry which made me give a small smile.

“Yes and you must be Dr Worthington?” I replied stretching out my hand.

“Oh please call me Charles.” He said shaking my hand. “So James what can I do for you?”

“Well I’m here to talk to you about these game boys.” I explained and held up the blue alien game boy.


I looked around the empty room which was the home of Terrance Matthews the latest patient to have gone missing. We had received the call this morning from the police which caused some moaning in the hub. Martha Jones was standing nearby observing the writing on the wall, further investigation failed to come up with one of those objects that the other patients who went missing had. Though Martha said she would keep looking.

“So Martha, have you spoken to James lately?” I asked out of the blue.

“Not since breakfast yesterday morning.” Martha replied.

“But don’t you have breakfast with him everyday?” I asked rather puzzled.

“Oh he wasn’t in when I called.” Martha answered, “I don’t mind, probably decided to have breakfast out.”

I nodded and looked around the room again. Eyeing any possible place where the object might be. Though my thoughts came back to James, I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him since I had told him he was off the case. I also couldn’t help noticing that Ianto had been acting strange since James had left yesterday morning. I never questioned it but I was now thinking that I should have. For some reason thoughts then turned to Dr Charles Worthington. I was a friend of the family and had been for a very long time. How long I couldn’t reveal and had even lied to a few people about not had been able to keep track of the family, well until a few months ago at least.

“Martha could you stay here.” I said, “While I go visit Dr Worthington.”

“Of course.” Martha replied with a smile.

I could almost hear her ask. “When will you finally tell him?”


“So these game boys were only given to the patients after the first disappearance?” I asked rather surprised.

“Of course, I can see why you would jump to conclusions especially since it is filled with alien technology.” Charles replied with a smile. “I used to work for UNIT.”

I nodded, “Well yes it’s in your file.”

“Well of course, still have to be careful, you don’t know who is peeping around nowadays.” Charles replied rather cheerfully. “Though Torchwood seems a rather interesting organisation, I was once asked to join by your dashing leader, Captain Jack Harkness.”

“Oh you caught his interesting then?” I asked but mentally kicked myself. “I mean you.....” I started again but he interrupted.

“Well actually he’s a friend of the family.” He paused for a few minutes then continued, “His immortality not really a secret.”

“Really? Well it’s not surprising since he does have friends in high places.” I replied with a small smile.

“Yes, though you really do look like him.” Charles said which puzzled me.

“Ok, could you tell me if there were any patients that didn’t have one of these?”

He nodded, “Yes there was, Terrance Matthews, he decided not to take one.”

“Ok thanks for your help.”

“My pleasure, your secret is safe with me.” Charles said with a smile, “Ianto Jones told me that you really shouldn’t be here.”

I was about to speak when there was a knock on the door and the receptionist entered.

“Sorry to interrupt by a Captain Jack Harkness is here to see you.”

My stomach started to panic.

jack/ianto, martha, jack, gwen, gwen/rhys, james, rhys, novel sized, ianto, torchwood

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