Different but Sane (14/?) Torchwood

Feb 19, 2009 19:49

Chapter Thirteen


I opened the bag and took out the blue game boy object. Looking over it I felt a smile fall over my lips as I knew we were breaking the rules. No alien object was allowed to leave the hub that was strictly the Captain’s orders. Still it puzzled me as to why Ianto was helping me. Ianto was over by the kettle waiting for it to boil. I told him he didn’t need to but he insisted saying I should worry more about the object.

“Sorry I don’t have ‘real’ coffee.” I told him while still looking at the object.

“I don’t mind, not everyone can afford a coffee machine.” He replied, “Even me.”

I smiled at that. I never imagined Ianto Jones owning a coffee machine, more like one of those plungers I saw around. Still I had instant coffee for visitors than to make coffee for myself. Alcohol and tea was what kept me going at night or when I was alone. I turned the object over in my hands before switching the on button. Suddenly the music of Super Mario bros came to life in my hand, I turned to Ianto.

“Hey did you switch this with a real game boy?” I asked rather angrily.

“No why would I do that?” Ianto asked looking up. “Don’t get mad but I experimented with it before I came here.”

“Ok then what did you find?” I asked folding my arms.

“Same as you did, Super Mario bros. I even scanned it five times to make sure.”

“And don’t tell me you found alien circuitry.” I said with a smile, “So does Jack know?”

“No haven’t spoken to him all day, except to bring him his coffee.” Ianto replied pouring the hot water into the cups. “Been busy in the archives playing super Mario bros.”

I rolled my eyes, “So does this mean these objects are really alien game boys?”

“Looks like it, did some research and found out that most of the patients had them.” Ianto explained handing me my coffee. “The head psychologist there thought it was a good idea.”

“His name?”

“Dr Charles Worthington. I booked an appointment for you to see him.” Ianto replied smiling, “Though he knows it’s for an investigation.”

I nodded, “Ok thanks.”

“Is something the matter?” Ianto asked as he picked up his mug.

“No it’s just in the past, with what I’m gone through...” I began but struggled to find the words. “Oh it’s nothing.”

Silence then fell between us as we stood there and drank our coffee. I couldn’t help but think about Jack and how Ianto was standing here, going against Jack’s orders. That he had gone behind Jack’s back. But why was he doing this? I began to wonder.

“Ianto, why are you helping me?” I asked breaking the silence. He met my eyes and smiled.

“Let’s just say you deserve it.” Ianto replied.


The hub was quiet when I left the office except for Myfanwy flying happily above. Everyone had gone home for the night, including Ianto. Well I remembered him saying that he was going out to get us some takeaway which was odd since he got it delivered, though he added that he has some other things to do as well.

I sighed as I thought about James. I probably had been too hard on him but I wanted to keep him safe. When I had first met him his resemblance to an old lover hit me hard, since that relationship was one of the more meaningful ones. I never told him because of what he would have thought of me that I had probably hired him because of the resemblance. I hadn’t but hired him because of his great computer skills and troubled past. Anyway he needed to be kept out of trouble.

I heard the cog door open and Ianto stepped through holding a pizza box in his hand. He smiled as he walked over.

“Pizza sir, meat lovers.”

“Thanks Ianto, got what you had to do done?” I asked taking the box away from him and walking over to the couch.

“Yes.” He replied with a smile, “And feeling satisfied about it, very satisfied indeed.”

jack/ianto, martha, jack, gwen, gwen/rhys, james, rhys, novel sized, ianto, torchwood

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