Different but sane (13/?)Torchwood

Feb 16, 2009 16:26


Chapter Twelve


I turned on the light as I walked through the door of my apartment. Nothing had been disturbed except for some books which was now stacked upon the coffee table. I guessed Martha had been here to drop off the books I had lent her. I walked to the kitchen and placed my keys into the bowl. I also put down the packet of cigarettes which I hadn’t smoked. It didn’t surprise me as it meant I had successfully quit.

“I’ve been worried about you.” Martha said at the doorway. I turned around and smiled. We stared at each other for awhile until she moved forward and flung her arms around my neck. “I’m so glad you’re ok.”

“You know me, always bouncing back.” I replied kissing her on the cheek.

“Yes but you really scared us you did.” She said pulling back, “Jack was most scared out of all of us.”

I put a finger to her lips. “Thank you for finding me.”

She nodded and hugged me again. “I’m sorry I didn’t stay, I really should have stayed.”

“Martha it’s alright really.” I assured her, “Let’s just say Ianto Jones was still around.”

Martha pulled back and laughed, “So you caught them......”

I nodded and walked over to the kettle. Taking out some mugs and tea bags I boiled the kettle and looked at Martha who was now leaning on the opposite counter. She hadn’t objected to me making tea for both of us, which didn’t surprise me. Still there was a question lingering on my mind but I let it pass.

“So what happened to Thomas?” I asked while I waited for the kettle to boil.

“He left while Jack and Ianto raced over to see how you were.” Martha replied with a puzzled smile. “I though Jack would have told you.”

“I didn’t ask.” I told her.

“Oh Tom is flying out to Africa tomorrow.” Martha said with a smile.

“That’s nice.” I replied as I handed her the mug.

“Yeah he’s off to save lives again.” Martha explained putting the mug to her lips.

I smiled and put the mug to my lips.

“Seriously Jack, I can look after myself.” I protested the next day while standing in front of Jack’s desk. Jack cocked his head to one side.

“Then you should have waited for me.” Jack replied.

“I heard police sirens, listen I really need to do this experiment.” I told him through gritted teeth.

“And I’m telling you that you’re off the case!”

“Ok then what I do to piss you off?” I snapped back. “What I do yesterday to make you so scared?”

Jack didn’t say a word but just picked up some paperwork. I knew that he wasn’t going to answer me but stay silent until I gave up and leave. It wasn’t going to be easy as I was going to stand there until he answered me. Right now I just wanted to experiment with those alien game boys to see if they played a part in the investigation.

“Just go home James Elton alright!” Jack ordered looking up from the paperwork. “Please.” He added.

I realised I wasn’t going to win so I turned to leave. I stopped at the doorway.

“You can’t protect me forever.” I told him.

“I know.” He replied holding up a report.

Later that night the doorbell rang interrupting me from eating my dinner.  I sighed wondering if it was Jack coming to apologise but I hoped it wasn’t. The first thing I would do was to punch him in the face or even shoot him with my gun. Well my gun was sitting on my bedside table so that option was now. The doorbell rang again so I got up from the table and slowly walked to the door. I was surprised to see who was there when I opened the door.

“Evening James, sorry if I’m interrupting anything.”

“Oh you’re not Ianto Jones,” I replied with a smile. “Sorry but why are you here?”

“Oh I though you might want to do some experimenting.” Ianto replied holding up a bag.

“You are a life saver.” I told him. “What you like to come inside?”

martha, jack, gwen, james, rhys, novel sized, ianto, torchwood

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