Feeling Geeky (Torchwood, Gen)

Feb 16, 2009 12:35


Feeling Geeky

“No Gwen...don’t!” James told her as he walked over to the computer.

“Why? What’s wrong?” Gwen asked looking up. The cursor of the mouse hovering over the word send on the screen.

“Oh sorry I just wanted to get your attention.” James replied with a smile. “Just carry on with whatever you’re doing.”

Gwen rolled her eyes and pressed send. James Elton was always cheeky but he seemed happier than he had done in the past. She guessed that it had something to do with his relationship with the gorgeous Captain Emmett Kingston. They were taking it slow but it didn’t seem to worry him much since being old fashioned suited him.

“So what’s up with you today?” Gwen asked.

“Oh feeling geeky, Emmett found my Monty Python movie collection.” James replied with a smile. “He asked me if we could watch them together sometime.”

“That’s good.” Gwen said with a smile. “Sorry but you really do look happier.”

“Oh do I?” James asked, “Well I’m not sure Martha will agree I was annoying her this morning with my inner geek.”

“Morning,” Martha said walking past with a smile. “And don’t you dare...” She added when she saw James’ mouth open.

“I wasn’t going to.” James protested.

Jack appeared at the doorway of his office and watched the conversation unfold into laughter and Martha lightly kissing James on the cheek. He could see that James was happier, they all did. Though Jack got to urge to annoy Martha even more with getting James to show his inner geek but wasn’t sure what to yell out, but a few minutes later....

“James, is that machine meant to go ping?”

needsablonde, martha, jack, gwen, monty python, james, geeky

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