Working for Torchwood when we're seventy (Torchwood, Jack/Ianto)

Jan 29, 2009 11:32


The hub was quiet except for three people sitting around in the boardroom with their cups of coffee, pizza and cheerful laughter. They were the ones who had decided to stay behind a bit longer after a satisfying end to an investigation. Gwen had left an half an hour before to spend the night with Rhys, Martha had gone home to Tom while Ianto had ordered pizza for dinner.

Jack couldn’t help but watch them while they ate and laughed, joining in the conversation from time to time with suggestive jokes and general teasing. His team had performed well today under pressure and to see them this relaxed seemed like a relief. His mind seemed to wander towards the future when one day he would lose them that he missed half of the conversation as he was surprised to hear....

“I’m going to work for Torchwood until I’m seventy.” James said with a hint of optimism in his voice or was it sarcasm?

“Really what gave you that idea?” Jack asked very worried but he was met with laughter. “What did I say something wrong?”

“I said it to get your attention; you seemed to have drifted of there.” James replied with a smile. “There is no way I’m going to get old.”

“Though could you imagine us working here when we’re seventy?” Ianto asked quite seriously. “Jack here would still be youthful.”

“Yeah he will be, while we’ll be old and incompetent.” James agreed with a smile, “Will he still find you attractive by then?”

“Yes, I don’t discriminate.” Jack replied with a grin. “Though now come to think of it....”

“No that’s not an image I really want to think about.” James realised before getting out his seat, “Well night gentleman it’s been fun.” He told them before leaving the boardroom.

Later that night Ianto woke to the light on and Jack sitting on the edge of the bed. He crawled over and sat next to him, noticing the tears forming in his eyes.

“Are you alright?” Ianto asked quite worried.

“Yes I just was thinking about what James said earlier.” Jack replied, looking at Ianto for a moment before putting an arm around him.

“Oh it was just a joke, you do know that?” Ianto assured him with a smile.

“Yes but it gave me hope.” Jack confessed, “I used to be scared of getting old but now I don’t know what to be scared of, the fact I will lose my team or what’s going to happen to me in the future.”

Ianto nodded and kissed him lightly on the cheek. “So you love it if we did stick around until we were seventy?”

“Of course, I believe James really knows how to lighten up a moment.” Jack replied, “So I order you not to die until you’re seventy.”

Ianto smiled, “I see what I can do, though I can’t promise anything.” He replied.

“Well I can only hope.”

jack/ianto, redismycolour, jack, ianto, getting old, james, torchwood

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