Snowball Fight (Torchwood, Jack, James mentions of Jack/Ianto)

Jan 27, 2009 12:34


The park was covered with snow with specks of green showing through. James walked slowly though the snow with his black coat buttoned up and a green scarf around his neck. The wind started to pick up causing him to shiver against it. He kept walking until he spotted Jack sitting on a bench by himself. He was wearing his grey RAF coat which was buttoned up to keep out the cold.

“I knew you would try to find me.” James said as he sat down next to Jack on the bench.

“What gave you that idea?” Jack asked, giving him a grin.

“Well Ianto’s decided to visit his family alone, Gwen’s with Rhys and Martha’s spending the day with Tom, which only leaves me.” James replied, looking around at the snow.

“Well I could have decided to spend the day by myself.” Jack pointed out but James could tell that he was lying. “Though it would be a lie.”

“You know you could have gone with Ianto.” James told him while looking at Jack.

“I know though I don’t think Ianto wanted me to.” Jack replied, getting up from the bench. “Anyway are you up for a snowball fight?”

“Wow my boss wants to act like a child?” James said, very surprised.

“Well the snow does that you.” Jack explained with a smile. “So do you?”

“Of course,” James replied before getting up from the bench.

Jack smiled. Ianto was right to suggest that he spend the day with James. James needed a male friend as Ianto had figured out from many conversations with him. Jack was willing to be that friend to him for awhile. He felt a snowball hit his coat snapping him out of his thoughts.

“Oh I’m going to get you now James Elton!” He yelled as James started to run away.

It was going to be a good day.

jack/ianto, redismycolour, jack, snow, james, torchwood

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