Different but sane (7/?) Torchwood

Jan 23, 2009 14:15


Chapter Six

“Right his name is Thomas Mitchell, thirty one, originally from London and works for the local newspaper.” Gwen read from the computer screen. I looked up from the device I was looking at.

“So he’s a journalist then?” I asked, not at all surprised.

“Yes, though it might explain how he knew Martha’s name.” Gwen replied, swivelling her chair around to face me.

I nodded, not wanting to correct her. She had her theory and that was fine but as I thought back he really was giving off a very creepy vibe. Like he got his answers from somewhere else than a few contacts in the media or even in UNIT. It scared me how he knew darkness was my constant companion because of the depression. That wasn’t something you got from a contact. That information was more personal, not something you told a friend in confidence unless you really trusted them.

I looked at the devices which sat on the table. They fascinated me as they all looked like the old style Game Boy from the 90s. They had a screen and some buttons in exactly the same places. The only way you could tell they were alien was in the computer when it showed the circuitry to be complex and very alien.  Though I was still trying to figure out how they had ended up in the hospital in the first place. I even wondered if they had slipped through the rift.

“Ah, I reckon some lunch is in order, James if you would like to join me.” An enthusiastic voice said from the doorway of Jack’s office.

“Um Jack, I was just about to go down to the firing range to conduct the experiment.” I replied, looking around at Jack.

“The experiment can wait, there’s a cafe I want to take you to.” He told me calmly.

I couldn’t argue as I was starting to get hungry. Though lunch with the boss did seem a bit suspect for some reason. I grabbed my jacket and followed Jack over to the elevator.

As we walked across the plaza I noticed the cafe we were heading to. It was the same one that Thomas had wanted me to meet him at 3 o’clock to discuss information. I stopped while Jack kept walking, though he seemed to know I had stopped as he said.

“What’s wrong changed your mind?” Jack asked, turning around to face me. “Because that would make me sad if you have.”

“No I haven’t, but is lunch just to waste time before my coffee appointment with Thomas?” I replied looking at Jack with my arms crossed.

“What gave that idea?” Jack asked before continuing on towards the cafe. I rolled my eyes and followed him, already knowing the real answer.

“So how do you like to occupy your time?” Jack asked as we settled down into our lunch. We were both having salads. The question totally threw me as I thought we were going to talk about the investigation not random chit chat.

“Well I read, listen to music, and watch television.” I replied with a smile. “Though Torchwood takes up most of it.”

“Well of course, though what did you do in London?” He asked biting into a tomato. “Before you moved to Cardiff?”

“Well worked for the London branch of Hallow and sons, spent time with my friend, um being told off by his fiancé.” I replied trying not to laugh at that last one.

“Oh you’ve said that she hates you.” Jack mused, “Why is that?”

“Well the same old story, my bad habits. She doesn’t know that I’d suffered from depression.” I explained with a smile. “Anyway why are you asking me this?”

“I just want to get to know you.” Jack replied, very hurt.

“I thought we were going out for dinner for that?” I asked him very confused.

“Well yes we are, I’m just practicing.”

I laughed and went back to my salad. Jack went back to his and there was now silence between us as we ate our lunch. Though the silence didn’t last long.

“You were right, I wanted to join you with your discussion with Thomas and this was the only way to do it.” Jack told me, “I wanted to know what we are dealing with.”

“I don’t blame you, Jack.” I told him with a smile. “Though you could have just ordered me to let you come with me.”

It was Jack’s turn to laugh before he looked up.

“Hey he’s here a little early.” He said and I looked over to see Thomas over at the entrance to the cafe. “I might go over and introduce myself.”

He stood up and began to walk over but I grabbed his arm. Jack looked at me with a puzzled look but I stayed silent, not knowing why I had grabbed him. Though it certainly caught someone’s attention as...

“Oh I had a feeling you would bring your boss.”

jack/ianto, james elton, martha, jack, gwen, gwen/rhys, rhys, ianto, torchwood

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