The boat (Torchwood, Jack/Ianto)

Jan 20, 2009 08:38


A boat was found abandoned down near the bay, sitting up from the snow. Except for a body lying next to it, peaceful but covered in blood. Captain Jack Harkness stood silent, letting the scene before him sink into his mind. He shivered against the cold wind coming in from the sea, wrapping his coat tighter around him; he looked across the bay towards a couple holding hands in the distance.

The scene made him smile as they weren’t really a couple but his team mates James Elton and Martha Jones, close friends who seemed like they were in love but were not. He teased them about it all the time but knew that they would never get any closer. Jack watched them a bit more before looking back at the body. He felt a hand slip into his own, making him close his eyes.

“Well sir, it seems we have found another mystery.” The welsh accent of Ianto Jones seem to sing in Jack’s ears.

“Yes, it’s always the same, a body found near a boat left abandoned on the bay, sitting up in the snow.” Jack replied, looking away from Ianto back towards Martha and James.

“They seem happy.” Ianto observed, smiling to himself.

“Yes just like we are.” Jack replied looking back at the body.

“Were, you mean.” Ianto corrected him, “Just like we were.”

Tears started to linger in his eyes as memories of that tragic day blossomed in his mind. A few weeks before a boat was found, in another part of the bay with a body lying next to it. Jack remembered staring down at his peaceful face realising who it was. He had crouched down and cradled the body in his arms before James had gently pulled him away and comforted him. Now another poor helpless soul had fallen to the same fate.

“I will find who did this, I promise you.” Jack assured him, trying not to look at him so as to break the illusion.

“I know you will Jack.” Ianto told him before Jack felt him disappear into the winter air. A few minutes later he felt another hand in the same place. He looked over to see James standing there.

He didn’t speak but Jack didn’t want to him too. The silence between them spoke louder than words and he knew what James was saying with those blue eyes. He pulled James into an embrace which surprised him. They stayed silent until....

“Do you want us to move the body?” James asked just as Martha walked up to join them.

Jack nodded, “Yes, I’ll be with you in a minute.”

After they had moved the body, they left Jack alone with his thoughts. Jack closed his eyes and felt Ianto’s hand slip into his own.

“You know you have to let me go.” Ianto told him softly.

“I know, but you just have to wait a little longer.”

boat, death, redismycolour, jack, ianto, torchwood

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