Challenges (Prompt 32: Challenge)

Aug 09, 2008 16:50

Title: Challenges
Rating: PG13
Characters: Ten/ Jack
A/N:  written for
dw100 and is part of the 'Or me undressed me if you like' series of drabbles. fourth story.

Jack nodded and pulled the Doctor back into a long deep intensifying kiss. This had been his challenge when he agreed to strip tease. To see if the Doctor harboured those same feelings as the captain. So far he was happy with his answer.
He then started to move his lips down the Doctor’s neck which made him moan ever so slightly with delight.
Jack then felt two hands moving him backwards towards the end of the room. He stopped and turned his head slightly.
“Yes Jack it’s a bed!” The Doctor said smiling.
“You read my mind” Jack smiled.

prompt 32: challenge, drabble

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