Starbucks or Ianto's coffee (Challenge 103: America(n)

Jan 14, 2009 11:10

Jack stared at the Starbucks that was across the road from where he had parked the SUV.  He felt desperate for a cup of coffee and right now he didn’t care if he had to settle for the best coffee America had to offer.

“Don’t even think about it!” Ianto said, just as Jack opened the door.

“Oh come on, I really need my caffeine fix.” Jack whined before stepping out of the car.

“I don’t care; I’ll serve you decaf for a week if you do.” Ianto yelled after him.

Jack stopped at those words.

Ianto grinned. I win.

challenge, decaf, jack, america(n), ianto, tw100, coffee, starbucks

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