Accepting their fate (Torchwood, Jack/Ianto)

Jan 10, 2009 11:37


Jack was grateful that Ianto was driving. At the moment, the latest bout of depression had started to manifest, leaving him in a non fit state to drive. Ianto didn’t want to risk ending up in an accident on the way back to the hub so he had taken the keys off Jack. The snow had started to fall heavily causing Ianto to drive slowly but carefully.

“Sir, you know that it’s not your fault.....”

“Of course Ianto, but why didn’t Torchwood tell me about the investigation?” Jack interrupted very angrily looking out the passenger window.

“Well maybe the file will tell us.” Ianto replied, trying to keep his eyes on the road. “Maybe Torchwood one took over.....”

“I asked James if he wanted me to get Torchwood involved.” Jack interrupted again, still looking out the window.  “He said no because he had accepted his fate.”

“Was this in the countryside?”

“Yes, now I wish I had broken my promise.” Jack replied, now getting a little edgy like he was close to breaking down. “Why do people die in the winter?”

Ianto stayed silent and quietly drove on until they reached the city. He felt for Jack, he really did. There was no jealously or bitterness just sympathy and compassion. To him James had been different, a bright spark in Jack’s life. Maybe he too was a bright spark.

He could only hope.

redismycolour, james worthington, jack, ianto, torchwood

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