Seeing a ghost (Torchwood ficlet, Jack/Ianto)

Jan 05, 2009 17:12


Jack looked at the people ice skating on the rink and smiled. Just a minute before he had been on the ice with Ianto, laughing after falling over for the second time. He really wasn’t a great skater, which had been a surprise to Ianto, who had teased him about it after his first fall. Ianto was still out there with the other people and Jack smiled as he watched him glide effortlessly across the ice.

It had been Ianto’s idea to come here after the visit to James Worthington’s grave earlier that day. Ianto had even got them to stop at the florists along the way so they could pick up some flowers to put on the grave. Jack was grateful that Ianto had been there for him while he had re-told the story about his romance with the handsome James because he really needed a shoulder to cry on after all those years. Ianto hadn’t shown his jealously but compassion and friendship.

Jack turned his eyes towards the rest of the fair, watching the children walk past with their parents or dragging them across to the Ferris wheel which stood behind the ice rink. He never came here with James but had once bumped into his wife Eliza and his son Jack here in 1919. He remembered taking that young boy on the Ferris wheel and how young Jack had wished his father was with them. He really did feel for the boy. Though he was glad he never had to see James suffer through his illness.

He turned around suddenly when he saw a man standing over by one the carrousels, looking at him. Jack rubbed his eyes to check if he was dreaming but the man was still standing there, clear as day. It was no mistake that it was him, with that untidy brown hair, soft blue eyes and wearing an old fashioned suit.

“James?” He mouthed at the man.

The man nodded and smiled. Jack remembered that smile from anywhere, from the hotel where they would ‘dance’ to when Jack had saw him at James’ wedding. The smile would melt his heart and remind him of the love that he had for him. He saw James’ mouth back.

“I’m glad you’ve found someone.” Before fading away into the crowd.

“Jack, are you alright?” Ianto asked him as he skated up to where Jack stood.

Jack looked back at Ianto and gave him a smile.

“I’m fine; now let’s go on the Ferris wheel."

redismycolour, james worthington, jack, ianto, torchwood, ferris wheel

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