Just be patient, Owen! : Torchwood Ficlet

Dec 08, 2008 11:43


“Fuck,” yelled Owen. “That wasn’t supposed to happen!” He added when he saw the mess that he had made on the floor.

“Owen! I told you to wait.” Ianto said running up to see what had happened. He appeared to be calm but underneath he was angry.

“Sorry, I’ve been desperate for a coffee for the last ten minutes.” Owen explained in a whiny tone.

“Well the archives can’t clean themselves.” Ianto said bending down to inspect the damage. “Well it seems that you broke your cup.”

“I can see that teaboy, can you please make me a cup of coffee.” Owen snapped getting quite desperate. “Even if you have to tell Harkness....”

“He’s in his office doing paperwork.” Ianto said quite annoyed. “Just be patient, Owen. First I’ll have to clean up your mess then I’ll make your coffee alright?”

“Fine, sorry I’ll leave you to it then!” Owen said and walked back to his workstation.

Ianto sighed and started to clean up. Damn Owen why can’t he be patient? Ianto thought as he placed the broken cup carefully into the bin. A few minutes later he heard footsteps behind him while making Owen’s coffee then two arms swarming around his waist.

“When are you coming back?” Jack whispered into his ear.

“When Owen gets his coffee.” Ianto told him.

“Well the archives can’t clean themselves.” Jack said before walking off.

“Well sir, you also have some paperwork you need to do.” Ianto called after him.

Owen rolled his eyes as he watched Jack walk towards the direction of the archives.

“You can’t fool me Harkness” He muttered to himself.

jack, consci-fan-mo, ianto, coffee, owen

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