Random Stuff

Jul 11, 2010 00:16

1. I have now seen five episodes of True Blood S1. Really enjoying it so far and it so much better than Twilight. I love how so much fucked up it is and everything, how everybody has flaws and seem so real. All I say is that it was different than what I expected.

2. I read today that the Children of Time awards are open to nominations. So yeah go ( Read more... )

eleven, doctor who, tv, rpf, kink_bingo, true blood, life, torchwood, writing

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Comments 4

alba17 July 11 2010, 13:20:21 UTC
Those are all great kinkbingo ideas. I'm particularly interested in the Eleven/Jack idea. oh yes

Awards - I'm sure there's an element of "popularity contest," definitely. I'm too lazy to nominate or vote because I feel like I should read everything before I vote, which I'm just not up for. So, I end up not doing anything. And the categories are always weird and it all seems kind of random instead of merit-based. Sometimes good things win and sometimes things win that are like, wtf? really? Does that motivate me enough to get involved? No, LOL. And now I don't read enough in TW - I know there are lots and lots of good fics I haven't read. But I'm happy for people I know who get the awards. I'm sure it feels great. (I'd feel great if I ever got one, even if I'm skeptical about the awards process, LOL.)


topgeargirl2 July 12 2010, 01:03:33 UTC
Yeah the eleven/Jack idea is like something I really want to do.

I'm saying that because most of the people who have won are people who have never been rec-ed by torchwood_house sometimes though some great writers do win including 51stcenturyfox and amand_r who won award last round which is good but I keep seeing the same names being nominated.


alba17 July 12 2010, 01:46:52 UTC
Yeah, there are a number of very popular writers who've never been rec'd by TW House (some excellent and some not).


topgeargirl2 July 12 2010, 05:04:46 UTC
yeah I agree, in this case though the names I see are people who are questionable and only write what other people want.


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