Italian Innuendo (Jack/OC, NC-17)

Jun 05, 2010 23:28


She was beautiful, standing there in the moonlight. All night I watched her from afar, waiting for the right moment to introduce myself. In the background swinging jazz music played causing my feet to tap. I was tempted to strut my way over there and charm her to the dance floor. It had been done successfully many times before with the night ending in a hotel room.

“Mr Harkness,” a voice interrupted, “your champagne, sir.”

“Oh thank you, Jenkins,” I replied and took the glass, “Tell me, what do you know about that girl over there in the fox fur jacket.”

“Not much, only her name,” Jenkins replied, “Florence, I believe.”

“Ah I’ve been to Florence, Italy and Venice, had to do some research on vampires,” I gave Jenkins a smile, “Thanks Jenkins.”

“You’re welcome, sir.”

I sipped my champagne and continued to watch from afar. She was stunning in a short red cocktail dress with a fox fur jacket. Her light brown hair was cut short and wavy like most of the women around her. A red bead necklace adorned her neck, definitely a 1920s flapper with style.

“Oh I see that you are admiring Florence.”

“Ah Roger,” I said with a smile, “Yes, she’s quite a stunner.”

“Yes, still be careful,” Roger replied, “Those girls can always surprise you.”

I laughed, “I love surprises,” I took another sip of champagne, “I see that handsome friend of yours isn’t here.”

“Oh, he couldn’t make it.”

“Shame, he was going to be my second choice,” I replied with a frown, “Well no matter, I think it’s time I had a little chat with Florence.”

I said goodbye to Roger and made my way across to where she stood, grabbing another champagne along the way.

“Champagne? Mademoiselle?” I said holding out the glass. She smiled and shook her head.

“No, thank you,” She replied, “I’ve seen you watching me.”

I smiled, “Well yes, Jack Harkness,” I held out a hand, “and you might be?”

“Florence, just Florence,” She replied and I kissed her hand softly, “Roger has told me all about you.”

“Really, what has he said?”

“Oh that you love surprises,” She said with a laugh, “I won’t disappoint you there.”

“I’m glad,” I purred, “care to have a dance?”

Florence stepped closer, “Actually I was hoping you would skip the gentleman part,” She confessed, “There is something I want to show you.”

I raised an eyebrow, “Well then, I know just the place.”

“Well Florence, what is your secret?”

She laughed and slowly lifted up her dress, “You can find out for yourself, handsome.” She licked her lips, “You might get disappointed.”

“Oh I’m never disappointed, “I told her, huskily, “Remember, I love surprises.”

I pulled her close to me, smelling a sweet citrus scent against her skin. A pleasant moan escaped her lips as I kissed her neck, biting it gently in some places. I began to snake a hand down her stockings towards....

“Oh...Oh, now this is a surprise indeed!”

She pulled back, “told you that you might get....”

“Florence, I’ve seen so many things in my lifetime,” I assured her with a smile, “a lady with a cock is a beautiful thing.”

She smiled, “Oh I’m glad.” She kissed me gently on the lips, “I don’t normally dress up as a woman, so I was worried.”

“Ah first time then?” she nodded, “Don’t be, you chose well.” I pushed her back towards the wall, “Just relax, you’re in safe hands.”

I slowly pulled down her stockings, smiling at the hard erection now in front of my face. She shivered slightly under my touch. I started to tease with my tongue, swirling it against the tip. She shivered again.

“Please, just please,” She pleaded, “Don’t tease me.”

I began to suck slowly, loving the fact that Florence was taking the piss. It was like she wanted me to know who she really was, the man underneath her clothing. She moaned again and pulled my hair tightly.

This time I heard a familiar voice, “Oh yes, please don’t stop.”

I stopped and looked up at her. Instantly I recognised the jaw line and the touch of the lips against my own. Things were certainly differently now but I was glad this person had made their way into my arms.

“Jack, please I’m close to....” She began but I put a finger to her lips.

“Nick, you gorgeous thing,” I said with a chuckle, “Roger knows how to please me.”

Nick laughed, “Actually Florence is my creation.” I smiled, “Roger just encouraged me.” Nick looked down, “Please, I’m getting desperate.”

“Soon,” I assured Nick with a smile, “just be patient.” I wrapped a hand around his cock, “just for little while longer.”

I was going to enjoy my prize.

porn, nc-17, oc, jack, fic, jack/oc, torchwood

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