Date on the Ice (Challenge 140: Winter Sport)

Feb 16, 2010 22:10

Ianto smiled as Jack put on the ice skates. It had been awhile since he had done this. Last time had been with Lisa and he had fallen on the ice which caused her to laugh so hard that she too had fallen. This time though he was absolutely terrified inside.

“Right I’m ready,” Jack proclaimed, “are you alright, Ianto?”

“Yes, ready as you are sir.”

Jack squeezed his hand gently, “Ok, let’s do this.”

“Jack, um promise me that you will laugh if I fall,” Ianto said.


“It’s human nature, Jack.”

Jack fell over.

Ianto started to laugh.

winter sport, challenge, jack/ianto, jack, g, ianto, tw100, drabble, torchwood

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