Thank God it's Friday, Again (Challenge 135: Farscape)

Oct 14, 2009 22:15

Ianto stared at the stopwatch tightly gripped in his hand. It was Friday night and Jack had only ten minutes to make his way up to the hothouse. For some reason Ianto was already naked but he didn’t care; Jack wanted him to be.

Soon ten turned into five but a hand wrapping around his cock took Ianto by surprise. He turned around to find Jack standing there, a wide grin across his face.

“Hello gorgeous,” Jack said before consuming Ianto with a kiss, his hand still around Ianto’s cock.

A pleasurable moan escaped Ianto’s mouth.

God I love Fridays.

challenge, nc-17, jack/ianto, jack, farscape, ianto, tw100, drabble

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