What If? (Challenge 131: BBC One)

Sep 12, 2009 16:25

Ianto placed the cup of coffee down on Gwen’s desk. They had been left alone while Jack was off to meet some officers from MI5. Gwen seemed to have a smile on her face.

“I keep getting this image of Jack meeting Harry and Lucas,” Gwen confessed with a laugh.

“Wouldn’t it be Ros since she’s section D’s chief?” Ianto pointed out trying not to laugh.

“Yeah but Lucas is....” She replied before shaking her head, “Its stupid isn’t it?”

Ianto shrugged, “Not really since it’s MI5 after all.”

Gwen giggled and picked up a file.

Remember to tape Spooks.

challenge, gwen, spooks, bbc one, ianto, tw100, drabble, torchwood

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