Thinking of some things to post about on this community, i came across this brainwave of characters on screen, big and small, that predominately wear black and have been memorable in my mind.
When I saw Reservoir Dogs, I initially thought of each of the Mr. Colours as such fantastic characters and with such badass demeanors that they all were as good as each other. Then upon watching it again, I came to the conclusion that Mr. Blonde, played by Michael Madsen, was the coolest of the lot. He shows a calm unruffled exterior when harrassed by Mr. White ("Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy? Or are you gonna bite?") but with a darker and much more sinister mind underneath that we only hear about in the beggining, but become witness to in his torture of a policeman. He sent chills down my spine with that evil grin of his. Bravo Mr Blonde.
Back in 1999, people began asking themselves: What is the Matrix? As the movie began, people then started to ask: Who is Morpheus? Hunted by the feared Agents, hunting the One, Morpheus, eminated composure and wisdom and I know I got chills when the lightning struck and he first turned around and welcomed Neo into his presence. And those sunglasses! How could this man NOT make it into this top 5?
If its not eating the mushrooms out his hair, its drinking, smoking or both at the same time. Bernard Black; disgruntled, cruel, slovenly, abusive and just downright mean. We can only barely sympathise with Manny, Bernard's beaten down assistant because Bernard is so funny in his cruelty and abuse that we want him to keep doing it. He enjoys a nice quiet drink but hates long walks on the beach, only if its with his discretely pregnant Brazilian lingerie model (in his dreams). He says he's a happy-go-lucky scamp, but in reality he's constantly drunk or hung over with the hygiene of the homeless. But this unique character entertained me for hours and so appears on this list.
Tarantino is the master of the black suit, so it stands to reason that two of his characters are going to make it into this list and in all of his movies, I loved this character the most. Jules, smooth, cold, eloquent and mainly downright dangerous. This character is given great dialogue, a great suit and great hair. Is is witty, lethal and very spiritual and when he said "and you will know my name is the Lord, when I lay my firery hand upon thee!" you knew blood would be righteously spilt. Even after sheeding his blood-soaked attire and being held up at a coffe house, Jules is calm, collected and in control. It was hard not to put this guy at numero uno.
As an avid Star Wars fan, to overlook Darth Vader as not the ultimate man in black would be sacrilege and ludicrous. I know that one of the greatest moments of silver screen for me was in A New Hope, in that opening scene, after all that fighting, when the Dark Lord of the Sith stepped through the smoke, towering over the Stormtroopers and looking upon the death and destruction with contempt. It isn't hard to believe that this man/machine, evil and twisted by the dark side of the Force, is the most feared being in the whole Star Wars universe, wearing lethality and malice as obviously as his black cape. He stuck fear into the hearts of friend and foe alike with his rancourous nature and chilling breath.