"There is a moment when you say to yourself,

Mar 16, 2011 23:57

...‘Oh, there you are. I’ve been looking for you forever.’"

Found something kind of interesting online today. Now, I don't ship everything Glee's ever done but...I love, love, love, LOVE that Burt/Carole has lasted the longest. Two people in genuine love that doesn't feel forced or rushed? It makes my heart happy.

Also, it made me realize how most of ( Read more... )

ooc, does this make sense?

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Comments 4

dancnwithmyself March 17 2011, 13:31:12 UTC
You and me both. The increase in Artina moments has made me so happy. Even Jenna is all 'well, there's his abs, and they're Asian...' about Mike and Tina.

I want to see Artie stand aside, to let Britt be with Santana, and Tina to realise that Artie's grown up, and go back to him *nods*


topangainglee March 17 2011, 17:27:07 UTC
That's it, though. Mike and Tina just don't have anything in common besides dancing. I think the only overwhelmingly good thing that cam eout of their relationship was a frindship between Mike and Artie. Which is adorable and i like it lots and lots.

Honestly, at this point I don't like the way Tina handles relationships. I kind of want her to get dumped like she dumped Artie, realize how horrible that feels, go apologize to Artie and they go from there. I think if they just have them get back together without really talking first, none of their problems will be solved.

(I'm also gonna say I just love your icons, full stop! Vest!Artie~)


dancnwithmyself March 17 2011, 17:34:58 UTC
I think it's lazy writing in part. Make them have a cute relationship, no drama, can stick them in the background.

I think it would do her good. I don't like what they've done to her in this season. I do like the Mike and Artie friendship, which I didn't see coming. But I agree. They need to talk things over, badly. Firstly I'd want to see them reforging the close friendship, before they ever got near a relationship again.

[Hehehe I try with the icons, I really do. I love finding them]


topangainglee March 17 2011, 19:30:54 UTC
But then they went and gave them some drama, and just didn't follow through with it. It's more like the writers can't decide what they want!

No kidding. I think Tina needs to take a page out of Mercedes' diva book and just enjoy being single for a while. Try to define herself outside of a relationship so being IN one isn't so confusing. I kind of miss Gaga-Tina who knew who she was.


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