Title: Opposites in Colour
the_seijinPairing/Character(s): Atobe/Tezuka
Rating: PG
Summary: Art… >_>
Warnings: Nothing really… kind of topless? (Kind of??)
Notes: Nien.
Now, I believe I have some explaining to do... My initial request was:
Atobe/Tezuka. No restrictions on whatsoever you have to draw.
I panicked, and asked for some extra guidelines because I was really stumped. ^^; So as a response, I got this:
"For the Atobe/Tezuka, perhaps when they are in their mid-twenties, (angsting away?). Smth angsty like them searching for each other in a sea of ppl but unable to see each other? O.o?"
So, despite me begging you for further clarification on your request, I guess I kind of ended up going in a really different direction... (I wonder if that's really the spirit to this exchange... o_0; ) I initially started drawing something that was closer to that of the second request. But the composition just didn’t turn out, I had issued, I was um-ing and ah-ing, I wanted to drawn more of the face, the two just got closer and closer each subsequent planning, and this was what I ended up with… >_> The words that stuck from the description were: twenty years old(ish), angsting, separated. I seem to have conveniently forgotten the sea of people... and I'm not sure if this pic qualifies as angsting... seeing as it's quite bright ad colourful... -_-; But I was hoping to get that sense of fleeting-ness somehow, of being connected but not... nnn... the more I think about it, the more creative I should have been, but I'm quite happy with the way the colouring turned out! :3 Going for a Kouga Yun type feeling, but I wonder if it worked? :3 Anyhow, hope you enjoy! *return optional*