☆★☆ Twelve! [backdated to a few hours before the prefect/staff meeting]

Nov 09, 2010 23:39

[filtered to EVERYONE YOUNG AT HEART or at least anyone who is not a lame-o who will try to stop this brilliant plan]

I have the best idea ever.

Who knows where to get a lot of chalk?

And how soon can a bunch of you meet outside the castle to use it?

I mean, nobody likes the place being grey, right? It needs some more colour. And pictures. And sparkles!

[ooc: Got mod permission for this, jsyk. /o/ IC planning here, and a backdated log should be going up in a few days!]

what does it meaaaaan, ~ coraline, ~ nill, and then rainbows, ~ bob, ~ puck, always hapipi, ~ kio, ~ lavi, ~ xion, what do you mean it's not a great idea, ~ maya

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