People are fucking idiots, in general. I'd say 95 percent of the people I encounter don't deserve the air they breathe. Literally. People's ignorance and laziness have forced me to become extremely hateful- it's either that or become one of them (I know that sounds so "mallgothish", but it's true). Have you ever read 1984? Definetely read it, if you like to erad. It was written in the 30s, but pretty much displays how things are today. I'm sure you run into dozens of people daily that also don't know their fucking alphabetical order. I work in a music stoer and every 2 minutes I get questions like "wheres the Beatles"...Under B, you fucking idiot. Then they act surprised that it's in alphabetical order...What the fuck? Like we memorize where shit is? Then they think first names are alphabetical, too. Sine when, in the history of cateloging, whether it be the library, phone book, a sports roster, or what have you, have things NEVER been alphabetical by LAST FUCKING NAME.
Comments 2
I got fired today for "being late". second time being late but he insists I was late more than that.. whatever
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