Title: The Man I Love
Author: Tooks
Pairing: Gideon/Lil Foyet
Rating: FRM
Summary: In order to truly understand certain human conditions Lil Foyet finds she needs to give up control...so she gives it to the one person she trusts, Jason Gideon.
Notes: Beta'd by the always awesome
pink_siamese...Thank you, Pink! :D Set in the Noir AU
"Living For the Night" (
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Comments 6
I love that he says they will talk tomorrow and he means it. I really love that Lil loves the pain, even if its her own. That's really telling. And its also interesting that she wants to give in to Jason. She doesnt know how to feel, she wants to learn, even if its just with him, from him, for him.
Yeah, she wants to have sex with him cuz she wants that control, but there's also a part of her that wants to be what he needs just as he is what she needs. At least that's what I read in this story.
I think the only reason Gideon finally gave in was because he could find an acceptable way to do so...to frame it as a lesson. Gideon can/will give into his own temptations if he finds a sound reason too, such as trying to teach Lil to love, feel, and bond with another. And I think Lil knew that that'd work for him.
That being said Lil was legit in her request. She does want to investigate her human side and, specifically, with/for Gideon. Probably because she's sure he won't think less of her if she tries or judge her if she fails. As much as she loves control she trusts Gideon (and really just Gideon) enough to give him it if that's what he requires from her.
Lil liking the pain (and blood) even if it's her own is, haha, something that they'll likely discuss in the morning...along with where they'll go from this night and some other things, heehee!
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