Title: Night Moves
Author: Tooks
Pairing: Hotch/Prentiss, Morgan, Garcia
Rating: FRT
Summary: Not trusting Prentiss brings PI Hotchner closer to her...maybe too close for his own professional comfort
Notes: This is the tenth piece in the main tale of Noir AU
"Living For the Night" (thanks
let_it_linger21 for the name). Again, first person (this time from Hotch'
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Comments 4
I almost didn't start reading because I tend to steer away from WIP (been burned by too many not being finished), but I was curious.
Can't wait to see more.
Haha, understandable, been there myself. I've never left a work uncompleted so don't worry...and, also, this AU has the added bonus of my having written one-shot within it as well (just click "Living for the Night" tag to see all pieces) so you'll never leave unsatisfied...I hope, haha! ;-)
Stay tuned, more to come!! Thanks again for the feedback and taking a chance! :D
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