Title: Letters to Santa Author: Tooks Pairing: Team, Jack Rating: FRC Summary: When Jack begins to doubt Santa the team join him in writing letters to Santa...these are their letters Notes: Season 6 spoilers!!
Thanks, it popped into my head this morning and I had to write it out for the season! :D I figured they would...who wouldn't for such a cute little kid, right? ;-)
That's awesome. I love how Jack hopes Santa is real so he'll get the stuff on his list. I love Spencer's letter of logic, Ashley's letter she isnt even sure she should be writing, Morgan's letter ("Morgan out" lol), and Rossi's typed letter. Penelope asking Santa to get Rossi some shoes is fantastic.
Why thank you! Haha, it's little kid logic at its best! I wanted to try and match the letters to the people the best I could from how they write to what they want and even the form they write in. ...Also I wanted pure cuteness and fun before the holiday officially started (which is really tomorrow in my books), haha! :D So glad you liked it, thanks for the feedback! :D
Comments 29
This is pretty much the most adorable thing ever.
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