Comment Fic Is Back & Better Than Ever!! [Prompt/Comment-Fic]

Apr 13, 2012 08:33

'Tis true! There's more fandom options now, haha! As always it's open to the public so feel free to bring in others, haha, and it's all weekend long!!

Gimme fandom, pairing/character(s), and a prompt

Fandoms can include:

Criminal Minds (up through Season 5), Game of Thrones (TV), X-Men, True Blood, Dexter, PoTC, Hunger Games (movie), Harry Potter, Buffy/Angel, Hannibal series, Dollhouse and any crossovers of those fandoms you may wanna see.

You can also select any of the AUs or bastardized-canons I have, go straight canon, or leave the option open for me to pick. ...And you can include OCs I've created and put them in another fandom/verse if you like too! ^_^

(The only thing I will not write is fics based on real people)

I'll write up as many as I can, more than one prompt is cool, great even, and don't be afraid to get creative, heehee! And now...


comment fic-ing, prompt

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