**Pictures under the cut, click the picture for a larger version
So I've had plantar's warts before, about 10 years ago, and I eventually got the laser surgery to remove them, but I was under anesthesia and don't remember anything about the aftercare, etc.
Last year in like August, I noticed a tiny plantar's wart starting, so I went to the podiatrist. It got a little bigger but then eventually went away after using the "canthro" treatment (this acid from a beetle that makes a blister to cure the wart). A few months ago it came back, and they tried freezing treatments, and then the canthro treatment again. The canthro is SUPER painful (at least to me)... it causes a big blister that you have to pop otherwise the pressure of it is excruciating. I went through with it again hoping it would help but it didn't the second time.
Anyway... first are pictures of one of the canthro treatments I got in July...
This is the blister after a few days...
Partially removed scab... the black stuff on my ankle is from the bandage adhesive.
No more scab... but still warty. :(
Canthro treatments in September... this one got a blood blister in it and the scab was epic.
Scab on foot...
Scab in hand...
Foot, post-scab... still warty. :(
So I decided to go with laser surgery again. I was a big baby since the wart was pretty big and I was by myself, and it really hurt when they injected the lidocaine, ugh. They did 3 syringes of 5cc each, but it was seriously number afterwards then... I barely even felt touch or pressure in that area while they were doing it. Anyway, this happened on Friday. Sunday was the first day I was supposed to unwrap it and change the bandage.
They took a significant chunk out of my foot. As in, so raw and deep I almost passed out and/or vomited while trying to unwrap it. I had to have my dad on the phone for moral support and I was like retching just thinking about taking off the last layer of wrapping. Also, my ankle was really swollen the first day or two...
Taking off sticky overwrap... bleeding through first layer of gauze...
Next layer... more blood...
Blood/fluid on the next layer...
Next layer... you can sort of see how deep it is by looking at the gauze...
Peroxide to loosen the last layer...
The actual wound! And nasty gauze!
The carnage... dressings from the surgery... my ankle was wrapped with SO much stuff.
Today's dressing change (after 24 hours with Silvadene cream and a bandage on it)