Trust Me 27

Feb 05, 2011 15:13

Title: Trust Me, Chapter 27 - The End (for now)

Author: Tonje90

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: Poor college student, here. I own nothing!

Authors note: Yes, it has been two months and I am an awful awful person. And I honestly have no other excuse than that inspiration totally left me, and I found it impossible to write anything. I was back home for a couple of weeks, and who knew Norway was that uninspiring?
Anywho, here is 27. And it is the final chapter for now. I appologize for springing this on you, but I think it is time. Now, you are more than welcome to ask for another sequel. I have ideas, and I am very open to hear suggestion from you guys. There is obviously a lot I can still do with this. But I don't want to have another huge break like this one.
And end rambling, Tonje, this is too much... I hope you enjoy this final chapter, and thank you all for your lovely comments that kept me going this long. You guys are awesome <3

Thanks to the amazing Traci for beta-ing for me! :)




“Happy New Year!” Squeals of happiness and shouts of congratulations were shouted out, but Luke was oblivious of all of it. All he registered was Reid’s lips moving gently against his own, and Reid’s hand, cold from the freezing weather, caressing his cheek. His own hands, clothed in gloves, moved up to grip his arms, holding him in place.

Reid pulled back, gazing down at Luke as he slid his hands down to rest on his shoulders. He smiled softly as he cocked his head slightly to the side. “Come; let me steal you away for a few minutes.”

“What, now?” Luke frowned slightly, glancing around to see his friends and family moving around to congratulate each other.

“Just for a little bit.” Reid smiled, grasping Luke’s hand in his and pulling him towards the house. He pulled him up next to the house, just around the corner to hide them from curious eyes.

“What is it?” Luke laughed as he rested his back against the side of the house.

Reid smirked as he stood in front of him, resting one hand against the wall on each side of Luke’s head. “I’ve decided it’s time.”

“Time for what?” Luke raised an eyebrow amusedly.

“To tell you.” Reid grinned, rolling back on his heels while sticking his icy hands into the pockets of his jacket. “You know; you kind of cheated. You never told me how you feel. You just yelled it at your mom.”

His face contorted in confusion, but only for a minute. “I…” Realization dawned on him, and he had to grab onto Reid’s arm to keep from stumbling. “I…”

“I never meant for it to happen… You and me. It was just supposed to be fun, you know?” Reid smiled as he traced an icy finger down the side of Luke’s face. “Teach you things, make you see that this is something to be proud of, that was all it was supposed to be. But you crawled under my skin…” He chuckled darkly. “How the hell did you manage that?”

“I don’t… I’m…” Luke bit his lip as he looked up through his eyelashes at the older boy. Reid paid no attention as he continued his rant while tracing his finger along the contours of Luke’s cheek.

“I was going to graduate, and then get the hell away from this place. Never come back. Never think about it, never talk about it, and never ever come back. This was supposed to be nothing, just a distant memory, a forgotten, meaningless memory…”

“Reid?” Luke frowned, seeing the hidden anguish in his boyfriend’s blue eyes.

Reid shook his head, the warmth returning to his eyes as he met Luke’s concerned glance. “I love you. I’m in love with you.”

Luke let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding as he gripped tighter onto Reid’s arm. He’d said it. He had actually said it.

“Like crazy, annoyingly in love with you,” he continued, rolling his eyes. “All those songs I hate on the radio are making more sense. I still hate them, but I can halfway understand what they are talking about. I think about you all the time, and I go out of my way to see you. Shit, I even do things I don’t want to do, just to be with you. And now I’m rambling.” He bowed his head, chuckling lightly. “But you get what I’m saying…”

“Yeah, I…” Luke grinned. “I know.”

“I love you.” Reid said determinedly, as a victorious smile spread across his face. “Happy New Year.”

Luke laughed as he threw his arms around his boyfriend’s neck, hugging him tightly.  He snuggled his face into the crook of his neck, sadly meeting fabric instead of skin. He pulled a hand from the embrace to pull Reid’s scarf away so he could pepper his neck with kisses.

Reid rolled his eyes amusedly as he ran his hand up and down Luke’s back. He tilted his head slightly to welcome the dry kisses to his neck. Finally, after a few minutes, he gently grabbed onto Luke’s collar to pull him back far enough so he could regain eye contact. “You haven’t said anything.”

“I’m sorry, I…” Luke laughed, grabbing his boyfriend’s face in his hands. “I know I didn’t really say it before, just screamed it at my mom,” he repeated, mimicking Reid’s previous statement. “I’m in love with you too, Reid. I’ve been in love with you for months. I was head over heels for you before I had even said a word to you. And I’ve just been falling deeper and deeper ever since.”

“Of course you have.” Reid grinned as he jokingly pinched his chin. “So, now that the sap is out of the way, what are you planning on doing to me? It’s a new year, plenty of possibilities.” He smirked wickedly.

Luke laughed as he spun them around, pushing his boyfriend up against the wall. “You’re just going to have to wait and see.”

“Oh yeah?” Reid grinned as he grabbed onto Luke’s jacket and pulled him against him, their faces only inches apart. “Give me a sneak preview.”


“Okay,” Luke said breathlessly as he pulled away from the kiss. “We should get back before people notice we’re missing.”

“Mhm.” Reid agreed, pecking his lips softly. “Wouldn’t want them to think we ran off to do the nasty in the barn.”

“Idiot.” Luke laughed, kissing him one final time before pulling completely away and grabbing his hand. “Come, “ he said as he pulled him away from their shielded spot and over towards the crowd. As they walked closer, Luke saw his friends running towards them. He reluctantly let go of Reid’s hand before being engulfed in a group hug from all three of them.

“Happy New Year!” Maddie squealed into his ear before pulling back, clapping her hands excitedly.

“Where did you go, man?” Reg elbowed him lightly in the ribs as a smirk spread across his lips. “Off for a New Year’s roll in the hay?”

“No!” Luke groaned, rolling his eyes in annoyance. What was everyone’s dirty obsession with that fantasy? “We were just talking.”

“He’s right.” Reid sighed dramatically, wrapping his arm around Luke’s waist. “As much as I would love to…”

“Oh, my god!” Luke gasped, pulling himself out of his grasp. “Can you not discuss our sex life in front of my friends??”

“Look how cute he is when he’s blushing!” Casey laughed, wiggling his eyebrows. “Dude, there is nothing wrong with a little role play.”

“Ooh, I like the sound of that. I could be the rich heir, and you’d be the hot stable boy. You didn’t get my horse ready in time, and now I must punish you.” Reid grinned wickedly, biting his lower lip seductively.

“Reid, shut up!” Luke hissed out; the color red heavily tinting his cheeks.

“Yeah, come on.” Reg giggled, wrapping his arm comfortingly around Luke’s shoulders. “Can’t you see how embarrassed he is? He can’t be the stable boy! He’s the rich heir! Though, when I think about it, he does know a lot about working on a farm. He could play both roles!”

Everyone broke down laughing as Luke struggled out of Reg’s grip. “I hate you all.” He sent them all a cold glare before turning and walking towards the house.

“Oh come on, babe.” Reid cried out between laughs. “I thought you wanted me to get along with your friends.”

“Yeah, dude, I didn’t know he was this funny!” Reg called after Luke’s retreating back, wrapping his arm around Reid’s shoulders instead. “Luke, come on!”


He stopped at the unexpected voice calling out his name. He looked up to see his mother hurrying out the door and towards him. He briefly wondered if he could escape back to his friends, but decided against it. He had to face her sooner or later.

“Yeah?” He asked once she reached him, stopping a few feet away, leaving some distance between them.

“I wanted to have a word with you.” She glanced behind him where Reid was slowly moving towards them, cautiously watching them for any sign of argument. “In private, if you don’t mind.”

“Yeah, alright.” He sighed, glancing back at Reid and giving him a quick smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll be right back.”

Reid just nodded, still glancing cautiously at Lily who was moving back towards the house.

Luke nodded back at his boyfriend before following his mother’s retreating body.  They entered the house, and Lily moved to stand leaning against the counter whilst Luke stood awkwardly in the middle of the kitchen, his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his jacket.

“What did you want to talk about?” He asked after a minute of silence.

“I, uhh…” She shuffled awkwardly, glancing towards the window. “I heard you. Outside there, with Reid.”

Luke’s eyes went wide as they found the open window; underneath which he had just been leaning while he and Reid confessed their feelings for each other. “Oh…” He breathed out, not knowing what to say.

“I didn’t mean to eavesdrop,” she explained, crossing her arms uncomfortably across her chest. “I was just making some coffee, and… I just heard… Maybe I should’ve left when I first heard you, but…”

“Mom, what… what do you want?”

“I’m starting to think that maybe I was wrong. About him, I mean…”

“What do you mean?”

Lily sighed, stepping closer. “Luke, I’m sorry. I know I’ve been awful to you. I know that, and I regret it so deeply. You’re my son, and I love you so much. And I am so sorry for hurting you.”

Luke frowned slightly in confusion. As much as it pleased him to hear, it was similar to what she had said before. She still loved him, but couldn’t accept him for who he is; for who he was with. “Yeah…” He didn’t know what else to say.

“It was just… it wasn’t something that I expected, at all. I never envisioned that life for you, honey.”

‘Here we go‘, Luke thought. “Mom, I don’t want to have this discussion again… I know that you can’t accept the fact that I’m gay, so why can’t we just leave it alone?”

“No, babe, it’s not like that!” She finally reached him, grabbing onto his arms in desperation. “I know I haven’t accepted it before, and I hate myself for not being able to. You’re my son, and your happiness is the only thing that matters. So, if being with Reid, or being with another man, is what makes you happy… I just have to accept that.”

Luke looked up in surprise, finally meeting his mother’s warm eyes. “Mom…” He breathed out, silently asking for her to affirm what he thought he was hearing.

“There is absolutely no excuse for my previous actions and words… And it’s okay if you don’t want to forgive me for that. But I hope that we can move past it.” She smiled warmly, pulling him in and wrapping her arms around him. “I’ll do whatever it takes.”

His arms automatically came up and wrapped themselves around his mother’s waist. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say that.” He whispered as he clutched onto her for dear life.

“I know, babe,” she said soothingly, gently rubbing his back. “I know.”

He pulled back from the hug, forcing a smile on his face to keep the tears from falling. “You’re really serious? You’re okay with it?”

“Well, it’s certainly something I have to get used to…” She chuckled slightly, gently caressing his cheek. “But I heard you two out there; you and Reid. And I realized that I was wrong about him. I could hear how much he loves and cares about you.”

He bit the inside of his cheek hard; willing himself not to cry in front of her. “He does. And I love him too.”

“I know, I heard.” She chuckled lightly, softly pecking his cheek before patting his shoulder. “You have someone that loves you and would do whatever it takes to make you happy, even leaving his own affairs to spend this night with you. I really couldn’t ask for much better for my son, now could I?”

“I guess not…” Luke chuckled, a pink blush tinting his cheeks. “It’s a new year now, Mom. We should just forget all that bad stuff; move on. We both need that.”

“Yes, I think we do.” Lily grinned; clapping her hands together in excitement. “Oh, my boy… You’ve grown up so much…”

Luke laughed, shaking his head. “I guess, maybe… “

“No, you have. And I am so proud of you.”

“Thanks, Mom.” He blushed again, shuffling his feet against the floor.

“Alright,” she chuckled, patting his shoulder, “I’ve kept you long enough. Go back; enjoy the rest of the evening with your friends.”

Luke grinned as he threw himself at her, wrapping his arms tightly around her. “I love you, Mom.”

“Oh, I love you too, Sweetheart,” she said softly into his ear before pecking the side of his head. “Now go!”

“Yeah yeah.” He chuckled as he pulled back, walking back towards the door. “See you later, Mom.”

“Have fun, Sweetheart.”

He stepped back out onto the porch where Reid was waiting, flanked by Reg, Casey and Maddie.

“Are you okay?” Reid asked as Luke walked over to them, wrapping his arms around Reid’s waist.

“I’m great,” he responded, nuzzling happily into his boyfriend’s chest.

“So I’m assuming that didn’t go as awfully as I expected it to?” He chuckled darkly, looking down at the blond mop of hair.

“Quite the opposite, actually,” Luke mused, tilting his head to meet his gaze. “I think this is going to be a good year.”

rated nc-17, !author|artist: tonje90, lure, fan fiction

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