Trust Me 21/?

Nov 12, 2010 14:26

Reid was right about not being able to see each other for a while. The last two days in school flew by before Luke could wrap his mind around what was going on, and the only time he had physically interacted with Reid was a quick hello in the hallway, wherein Reid had grabbed him, pushed him up against a locker and ravished him for a good minute before continuing his path to his next class.

And the following days flew by so fast, with his father making him do chores around the farm, his Aunt Meg taking him and his sisters out to get the Christmas shopping done, and his Grandma Emma making him help with the decorating and baking. His relationship with his father had only improved over the past couple of days. If Holden still was uncomfortable with the thought of his son being gay, he was doing a good job of hiding it. He and Luke had had a long conversation about Reid and Luke and their relationship, and Luke had filled him in on some of Reid’s background. He left out the most personal stuff, but he explained the situation with his uncle and that he was now living on his own. It felt good that he could actually share some of his thoughts and worries with his dad without being worried about being rejected or turned away.

Suddenly it was the night before Christmas Eve, and Luke realized that he hadn’t heard from Reid in two days. When he didn’t reply to his message fast enough for Luke’s liking, he called.

“You gotta give me two seconds to answer your freaking message, Luke.” Reid chuckled as he picked up his phone.

Luke sighed happily at the chipper tone in Reid’s voice. “Sorry…”

“No you’re not.” Reid smirked. “So what’s up?”

Luke laid back on his bed, resting one arm behind his head while the other held the phone to his ear. “Nothing. I watched a movie with Faith and Natalie, and helped dad load them into the car so he could take them to Mom’s.”

His parents had finally decided on a schedule for Christmas. Faith and Natalie would spend the day of Christmas Eve with Lily, but she would drop them off at the farm for dinner. Then they would spend part of Christmas morning at the farm before Holden would drive them to Lily’s for the rest of the morning. She insisted that Luke should do the same, but he refused. It was too soon, and Luke didn’t want to take the chance of getting into another argument and ruining Christmas for everyone. After another talk with his father, though, he had decided to go over to her house later on Christmas Day and have a talk with her in private. While she wasn’t pleased with his decision, she couldn’t do much more than agree.

“Still not planning on going over there?” Reid asked cautiously.

“Not until Christmas Day...” Luke sighed, running his hand through his hair. “I just know we’ll get in some sort of argument, and I don’t want to ruin Christmas for the girls.”

“Aw, aren’t you like the best big brother in the world?” Reid joked, trying to lighten the tone of the conversation.

“Yeah, I guess.” Luke chuckled slightly. “I don’t know… I mean, it will be sad to celebrate Christmas without my mom, but…”

“Well, if your parents are going to be divorced, you’ve got to get used to spending Christmas without one of them. Unless they start getting along to the point where they can celebrate together.” From what Reid had heard, Luke’s parents had broken up and gotten back together so many times that no one was able to keep the tab; apparently that was nothing unusual in this town. But he refrained from telling Luke this, not wanting to upset him further.

Luke sighed, closing his eyes. “I know… It just sucks.”

“I bet.” Reid replied as compassionately as he could muster.

A brief silence broke out; the only sounds being heard were sounds of oxygen entering and exiting their lungs. They were both lost in their own thoughts, feeling oddly comforted by the sound of the other’s breaths.

“I miss you.” Luke breathed out, pressing the phone harder against his ear. “I’ll figure something out right after Christmas. I have to see you.”

He could practically hear Reid’s smile through the phone. “Now again with this obsessive nature of yours, Luke. Can you honestly not survive a few weeks without yours truly?”

“Fuck you, Reid, you miss me too.” Luke rolled his eyes in amusement.

“Maybe just a little bit.” Reid drawled out softly, his voice still heavy with tease. “I sure do miss those amazing lips around my cock.”

Luke rolled his eyes and played along. “And I miss having my lips around that amazing cock of yours. I miss tracing the underside of your dick with my tongue. I miss teasing the tip of your cock with my tongue while cupping your balls in my hand.”

All he heard was a shaky exhale.


“Keep talking.” Reid breathed out.

“Oh, that turned you on, huh?” Luke laughed, rolling over on his side. “Are you imagining me doing that to you while you’re touching yourself?”

“Uh huh.” Reid muttered; his voice strained. “Keep talking.”

“Hmmm…” Luke glanced at his closed door. Determinedly he reached down and unbuttoned his pants, and managed to slip them down his thighs. “I miss the lust in your eyes when I kiss the inside of your thighs, I miss hearing you plead me to touch you. I miss hearing that noise you make when I first slip that big cock into my mouth and all the way down my throat, and how I have to hold you back from forcing yourself deeper.”

Reid groaned loudly, his breaths turning deeper and more frequent. “Fuck yeah…”

“And how you whimper when I pull back right before you come. And your eyes are all black… I bet they’re like that now, aren’t they?” Luke bit his lip as he reached into his boxers and touched himself. He was already rock hard just from hearing the shaky, erotic breaths coming from the phone. He shuddered as he ran his hand slowly from the base to the shaft and back.

“And I’ll just lay there between your legs, gently caressing the inside of your legs… kissing your thighs… And you’ll try to touch yourself, but I won’t allow that.” Luke continued as he rubbed himself.  “And then I’ll move in close, so close, but I won’t touch you. I’ll just blow soft, warm breaths against your swollen cock. And you’ll thrust upwards, desperate for me to-“

“Fucking hell, Luke.” Reid moaned, almost sounding like he was in pain. “You’re… You’re driving me crazy here.”

“Just imagine what I could do if I were there.” Luke said as teasingly as he could, gripping himself tighter. “I’d tease you until you were begging me to suck you. I’d touch every inch of your body with my tongue. I’d press my rock hard cock against you; show you how much you turn me on.” He focused his movements on the tip of his cock; his fingers teasing the head, pulling the foreskin back and forth. “Oh god, you make me so hard, Reid…”

“Nnngh…” Reid uttered, his irregular breathing going faster and faster. “Fuck, I want your lips around me, licking my slit, grabbing my dick. I want to come on your lips, on your face…”

“Come on my face, Reid.” Luke moaned, his hand jerking faster and faster. He imagined the warm feeling of Reid’s come on his lips, the bitter delicious taste of Reid, the primal, strangled moan Reid would-.

“Ahh, fuck!” That moan.

He listened as Reid let another couple of moans escape his lips as he enjoyed his orgasm, while Luke himself was desperately stroking his own stiff erection, steadily bringing himself to the finish line. The content sigh on the other side of the phone did it, and he came violently into his hand. He momentarily rested the phone against his pillow while grabbing some conveniently placed tissues from his nightstand and cleaning himself off. He quickly grabbed the phone and pressed it against his ear. “Wow.”

“I think it’s safe to say that phone sex is a success.” Reid stated, his breaths steadily returning to normal. “That was intense.”

“Yeah…” Luke smiled contently, wrapping his free arm around himself. “It’s not the same without cuddling up next to you afterwards though.”

“Psht, we don’t cuddle.” Reid spat out.

“Oh, we don’t?” Luke chuckled. “What is it that we do then?”

Reid skipped a beat before answering. “We bask in the afterglow.”

“Ah, of course.” Luke smirked, shaking his head. “Whatever you say, Reid.”

“Shut up, kid.” Reid muttered, trying to keep his smile out of his voice. “I came all over me; I should go take a shower.”

Luke sighed, feeling himself harden slightly at the thought. “I wish I could go with you…”

“I miss your tight ass too.” Reid smirked. “So if you don’t have time to call tomorrow, Merry Christmas.”

“I’ll find some time to call you!” Luke gripped the phone tighter. “I promise.”

“Just saying. If you’re too busy, it’s cool. We’ll just talk later.”

“I’ll call, Reid.”

“Yeah yeah.” Reid replied humorously. “Talk to you later then.”

“Bye.” Luke said softly, a content smile spreading across his face.

“Bye.” Reid replied, and the line went dead.

Luke carefully laid his phone on the nightstand before rolling over and hiding his face in his pillow. He gripped it tightly, hugging it to his body. He had to find a way to see Reid again soon, as soon as possible. While the phone call had lessened the tight grip on his heart, he still felt like jumping out of his skin. He needed to see him.

And that thought made him groan. He was falling, fast.

Correction: He had fallen. It was too late, he was lost.

rated nc-17, !author|artist: tonje90, lure, fan fiction

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