Trust Me 20/?

Nov 09, 2010 21:09


Reid ordered some pizza for dinner on Sunday. In between the fucking and the cuddling it had suddenly turned into day. And the day turned into afternoon, and Reid’s stomach was complaining loudly. “I can’t survive on your come alone.” He had said with a self-satisfied grin before calling for some food.

Luke was sprawled on the couch, feeling absolutely spent. He was gloriously sore, and could possibly have trouble with walking tomorrow, and yet he wanted nothing more than to feel Reid inside him again. His jaw was hurting from the countless blowjobs, but he needed to taste him again.

Was this normal? Was it supposed to feel like this? Luke didn’t care. It was amazing, and he never wanted it to end.

Reid quickly pulled on some clothes when the doorbell rang, and soon the room was filled with the sweet aroma of tomato sauce and cheese. Luke hadn’t realized until that moment how hungry he really was, and quickly stuffed down a couple of pieces. Reid watched him amused as he inhaled his own pieces, warning him that it took practice to eat like Reid Oliver. Luke joked back that he was becoming experienced with having big things in his mouth; which almost made Reid choke on his food. “Fuck, I am a bad influence on you.”

When they were done they cuddled back on the couch. Reid still had a t-shirt and a pair of boxers on while Luke was as naked as the day he was born. Reid’s arm hung loosely around his shoulder, while he was lazily staring off into nowhere. Luke rested his head against his shoulder while absentmindedly playing with Reid’s fingers.

They both knew that their time was almost up, but neither wanted to bring it up. As the darkness set outside the window, it was impossible to neglect.

“So I guess we won’t see each other for a while…” Reid finally broke the silence.

“Why not?” Luke frowned, turning his head to look up at him.

“We only have two days of school next week, both of which are pretty busy, at least for me. And then there’s Christmas and New Year’s. Two weeks without school.”

“That doesn’t mean that we can’t see each other though.”

Reid chuckled. “Yeah, it kind of does. You got all your family-stuff going on, right?”

Luke rolled his eyes slightly. The Snyder family did have a lot of traditions around Christmas. “Well, yeah…”

“Yeah, and your parents aren’t going to let you go off to see me, so…” Reid shrugged.

“What will you be doing for Christmas then?” Luke asked while twisting his brain, trying to find a way for them to see each other. There had to be some way.

“Nothing. Get some studying done, practice, kick my computer’s ass at chess again… I’m sure there’s something fun on TV.”

Luke sat up swiftly. “You’re not doing anything for Christmas??”

“No family, remember?” Reid smiled lightly, raising an eyebrow humorously. “It’s alright though. I never really celebrated Christmas anyway.”

“But…” Luke frowned unhappily. He knew that his family went over the top, but he couldn’t even imagine not celebrating Christmas. Even worse, being alone on Christmas!

“Seriously Luke, don’t worry about it. I’ll be fine. If we don’t find time to see each other, we can try phone sex…and sexting.” He grinned wickedly, wiggling his eyebrows.

“I can’t believe you’ll be alone on Christmas…”

“Luke!” Reid rolled his eyes. “I don’t care, alright? The notion of Christmas is just ridiculous anyway. We’re supposed to be celebrating some kid being born two thousand years ago, but it’s all about presents, food, and who has the best decorations. I’ll be fine on my own, okay? You go have fun with your family.”

“Are you sure?” Luke bit his lip, tilting his head slightly. Again, that bad feeling in the pit of his stomach started to clutch at his insides. Reid alone, Reid lonely, Reid in pain…

“Of course I’m sure!” Reid sighed, lying back down on the couch. “And even if I wasn’t, what could you do about it?”

“I could….” Luke closed his eyes, shaking his head as nothing came to mind.

“See? Nothing. But I am sure, I will be perfectly fine. I’ll be even better if I know that you’re having a good day. Moping doesn’t suit you, so maybe some fancy new presents will put a smile on your face.”

Luke couldn’t help but to smile slightly at that. “Now you’re the one being a sap.”

“No, I am just being truthful.” Reid stated with a sharp nod, before standing up. “Come on, we have time for a shower before you should be heading out.”

Luke ignored the last part of the sentence. “We?” He grinned.

“Yes, we. Now hurry, I want you up against the wall in 2 minutes!” Reid ordered with a smirk, pointing determinedly at the bathroom door before pulling his t-shirt off over his head. He put his hands to his hip as Luke did nothing more than stare at his newly exposed skin. “Are you just going to sit there?”

Luke broke out of his daze and scrambled to his feet, and hurried to the bathroom as he was told.


Luke walked through the door to the kitchen at the farm two hours later. His father sat quietly by the table, flipping through a newspaper while sipping on a cup of coffee. He glanced up as Luke entered.

“Hey Dad.” Luke smiled while hanging up his jacket and kicking off his snow-covered shoes. “Looks like it’s going to be a real white Christmas, huh?”

Holden smiled back, glancing out the window as he spoke. “Yeah, looks like it. Did you have a nice weekend?”

“Yeah, I did.” Luke had to press his nails deep into the palm of his hand to keep from smiling to widely.

“How’s Reid?”

“He’s good.” And then Luke choked. Had his father just said-… no, he must have meant-… He stared wide-eyed at his father, who calmly folded his paper and turned to him.

“Luke, relax.”

Luke almost began to hyperventilate. How could he have possibly known?  Had he followed him to Reid’s place? Had Reg ratted him out?

“Luke, calm down.” Holden stood up and put his hand on his shoulder. “I’m not mad at you. I am a little upset that you lied to me, but I’m not mad.” He gently led his son to the table, and pressed him down into a chair.

Luke’s brain was overheating as it worked continuously to find out what he had done wrong, where he had failed. He had done something, and now everything was messed up. He would never get to see Reid again.

“Luke, look at me.” His father said calmly, and Luke snapped his head up. He saw his father’s calm expression, and was able to get his breathing under control.

“How?” He asked.

“How?” Holden chuckled slightly, shaking his head. “Well, I’ve been young and in love. And your neck is…” He raised an eyebrow teasingly; pointing at Luke’s marked neck.

Luke grabbed the side of his neck as he remembered what Reid had done. And it showed. “Oh god…”

Holden smiled, before his face fell into a more serious mask. “Look, I don’t appreciate that you lie to me and sneak around. I know that you’re upset with how we have all handled this situation, and I know that I should’ve handled it better myself. But that is no excuse to lie.”

“I know.” Luke sighed. “I just… I had to see him. And I thought that you wouldn’t let me…”

“Would I have allowed my 16 year old son to go off and spend the weekend with his boyfriend? No, I wouldn’t. But then again, I wouldn’t have let you go spend the weekend with your girlfriend either. That has nothing to do with your sexuality, it has to do with the fact that I don’t think you’re ready for a sexual relationship.”

Luke nodded slowly, taking in his father’s words. It felt good to hear, to know that his father was really coming to terms with his sexuality. “I’m sorry that I lied to you.”

“Apology accepted.” Holden nodded with a smile.

“You’re…. You’re not going to tell mom, right?” Luke bit his lip in concern. Things were already bad; if she knew about this, things would only get worse.

“No, I don’t think so. No need to complicate that situation any further.”

Luke sighed in relief, leaning over to hug his father tightly. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, son.” Holden smiled at the sudden embrace, comfortingly patting his back. “Your mother will come around. She just needs to come to terms with everything. She loves you very much.”

“I know… I just wish she could accept me.” Luke sighed as he pulled back.

“Like I said, she needs some time.” Holden patted his shoulder.

“Yeah…” Luke nodded and stood up. “I’m pretty beat, so I’m gonna go to bed. Still two days left before the holidays.”

“Alright. Good night.” Holden smiled before turning back to his newspaper.

“Good night, Dad.”

rated nc-17, !author|artist: tonje90, lure, fan fiction

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