Trust Me 1/?

Oct 13, 2010 00:13

Title: Trust Me, Chapter 1 of ?

Author: Tonje90

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: Poor college student, here. I own nothing!

Authors note: Well, you asked for it. Here is the sequel to "Scream, Kid". You should probably read that one first to understand everything that is going on here.
Thanks to Traci for beta-ing it for me so quickly and encouraging me along the way. Thanks to Wanja for listening to all my complaints, and to Siri for just being her awesome self <3 Thanks girls!

Now without further ado...

Luke could not stop thinking about him. Reid Oliver had completely taken over his mind.

He couldn’t focus anymore. His grades began to slip, and he found himself not caring. Instead of paying attention in class he was remembering that day in the bathroom. The feeling of Reid’s finger plunging into his ass and against his prostate, the feeling of his tongue on his shaft, the view of him drinking in Luke’s cum…  More than once had Luke been forced to run to the bathroom in the middle of class to relieve himself. It was getting to the point where his Biology teacher sent him to the school nurse, fearing he might have some illness forcing him to use the bathroom as often as he was.

When the guidance counselor ordered him to his office, and proceeded to tell him that he would contact Luke’s parents if his grades kept falling, Luke knew he had to do something; something to get Reid Oliver out of his head.

Luke had changed his daily routine. He no longer ran to the cafeteria to get his favorite seat, but he always ended up in it anyway. It seemed his friends had learned that it was his seat, and he certainly did not mind.

He no longer ran outside to spy on the gorgeous boy. That would just be too awkward. He didn’t want Reid to think that he was some tragic loser, pining after him.

He wished he had someone to talk to about these things. He’d come out to his friends only days after the bathroom incident. “Hah, tell us something we don’t know.”, his friend Casey had thrown out between laughs, before poking his ribs. “That’s cool, Luke. We already knew, and we don’t care.” Casey’s girlfriend Maddie had comforted him. But despite these good reactions, he didn’t feel like he could tell them everything. How could they understand what he felt? Casey and Maddie had been together practically since elementary school. And Reg... well, Reg was the self-proclaimed dating-expert of the group, who had never been in a relationship longer than two weeks. And his best relationship advice consisted of jewels like “You never tell a girl that you like her; it makes you look like an idiot”.

No, Luke had to figure this out on his own.  And he believed he had found the answer.

That was why he was able to muster the courage to walk outside behind the bleachers after he had finished his lunch.

Reid stood there, as usual, leaning against the wall. That particular day he had chosen not to have a lollipop, instead he was happily enjoying some red vines. He turned when he heard the sound of the door closing behind Luke. A smirk quickly formed on his lips and he bit a piece of the red stick. “Hey kid. Have you gone back to stalking me? I thought I put a stop to that after our little adventure in the bathroom.”

Luke didn’t speak as he stepped over to the older boy. He didn’t look up until he was standing right in front of him. Still, he kept his gaze down, not meeting Reid’s eyes. “Hi.”

Reid chuckled. “Hello. Did you want something?”

“Yes.” Luke said, taking a deep breath, before looking up and into the blue heaven that was Reid’s eyes.

“Did you want a red vine?” He laughed, hiding the bag behind his back. “I’m not sharing.”

“No, I…” God, why in the world had he done this? Stupid Luke! The time in the bathroom had been a one-time thing, an unimportant blip on Reid’s radar… right?

“Look, if you’re going to waste my time, please do so with proper sentences.” Reid shot him an annoyed look before popping the rest of the red candy into his mouth.

“I’m sorry…” Luke blushed, dropping his gaze. Stupid, stupid, stupid Luke, this was a bad idea.

“And stop apologizing. It’s rather annoying.”

“I…” He almost apologized again, but thankfully was able to stop himself. “I wanted to talk to you.”

“Aha.” Reid nodded while unaffected staring in another direction. “And why this desperate need to speak with me?”

Luke exhaled slowly. What was the worst that could happen? He could say no, and laugh and mock him and… ‘No, don’t think like that’, he told himself. There was nothing wrong with just asking. Worst case scenario Reid would say no, and that would be that. Reid Oliver might be a lot of things, but a bully was not one of them. He already knew that Luke was gay, so it’s not like he would out him. And he obviously hadn’t told anyone about their encounter in the bathroom, so he didn’t spill his guts to the gossip mill of the school. ‘No, Luke, just do it. Just ask.’

“Hello, still there?” A hand waved in front of his face.

Oh crap, he’d zoned out. Another blush spread across his face.

“Look, if you have nothing to say, please leave. I’m out here to be alone, to get away from annoying creatures like you.” Reid said, clearly incensed.  He’d pushed himself from the wall by now, towering over Luke’s smaller frame.

Luke clenched his fists, forcing his nails into the palms of his hands. He forced himself to look up and meet Reid’s annoyed glare, with the most seductive look he could muster. “I want more.”

He was pleased to see that Reid was actually flabbergasted. He opened his mouth and closed it several times, frowning his eyebrows in confusion. But it didn’t last long as he shook his head and regained his composure. “You want what now?”

“I want more.” Luke stated simply, struggling hard against himself to keep his cool. Right there at that moment he wanted nothing more than to run off, run away.

“Want more?” Reid raised an eyebrow. “Want more what?”

Luke nodded, bringing his hand up to rest against Reid’s chest. He slowly raked it down, stopping at his waistline and left his hand there. “Yeah. More. More than last time.”

Reid caught on, smirking at the younger boy. He could feel Luke's hand shaking against his lower stomach. “More? More than a blowjob? What do you want, kid?”

“Luke.” Luke stated, biting his lip as seductively as he could. “My name is Luke.”

“Uh huh.” Reid lightly rolled his eyes, moving slightly closer to the younger boy. “That was not my question.”

“You know what I want.” Luke said simply. “Yes or no?”

Reid chuckled. He definitely liked that the boy had grown some balls. Actually propositioning him like this… it was a rather big turn on. “Well…” He drawled out, reaching his hand out to cup Luke’s jaw. “I can’t very well let an opportunity like this pass me by.”

Luke almost jumped out of his skin of happiness, but managed to keep his excitement to a mere smile. “Good.”

Reid pulled out a sharpie, and grabbed his arm while pushing his sleeve up. He quickly scribbled down something on Luke’s arm, and stuck the sharpie back. “Come by tonight. I have practice until 7, so… 8?”

Luke gulped silently and nodded. Was this really happening?

“Great. Don’t worry; I’ll take care of everything. Just bring yourself. Oh, and some food.” He leaned down, sucking Luke’s earlobe into his mouth and lightly bit down on it. “I’ll see you later, kid.” He whispered, before forcefully pushing Luke away from him and gracefully walking back into the school, leaving Luke behind as a panting, frantic mess.

He had to go to the bathroom again before class.


rated nc-17, !author|artist: tonje90, lure, fan fiction

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