Torchwood eBook Repository: Calling all authors!

Mar 07, 2011 15:58

It was suggested to me that I make a blanket post asking all the authors here if they would consent to having their work translated into an eBook and put in the repository at:

The work itself is not changed; it's just put into MOBI format and a link to download it is put on the site.

I'd like to get permission from everyone who puts stories up for us to enjoy, so I've turned on comments to get it. Please reply to this post if you give permission or if you don't give permission.

Giving permission doesn't mean your stories will magically appear. They still need to be translated into a PDF. There's lots of ways to translate a document in some other format to a PDF. Googling "Convert Word to PDF" will get around a million hits.

I will confess that I've constructed a few myself from web pages here, but it's a long and labor-intensive process, so I am not inclined to do it unless I really want something badly. I'm naturally lazy, so I have to be really motivated.

Please, please, please consider giving permission.

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