*** You don't need to be a member to submit a request but download links to fulfilled requests will be MEMBER-LOCKED. ***
Make sure you read and follow ALL the guidelines before requesting.
1. The most important rule, COMMENT when you download any of the files.
2. Check the ringtone cut you are requesting isn't already uploaded. You can do this by checking the comm's [ TAGS ]
3. Ringtones uploaded to
tonified_cuts are mainly KPOP, however requests are open to any language and/or genre.
4. Please post requests in the format given below.
Song Title:
Cut: *
File location: **
*Time and/or part of song (ie. 1:00 - 1:30 and/or verse 1, chorus, etc)
**I cannot guarantee that I will have the every song that is requested. So if you have it, please upload it to a file-sharing site (eg. Mediafire)
**It would be quicker if I can download the song from a file-sharing site in case I don't already have it to make the ringtone.
5. Fulfilled requests will be MEMBERS-LOCKED. So you will have to
JOIN to access the links.
6. There is no maximum request per person however, keep in mind that I do this out of my own free time so fulfilling requests could take from 20 minutes to a few days.
7. I can't promise to fulfill requests in the order I receive them but I will try. Sometimes if I really like a song, I'd make cuts for it even if it isn't next on the list or hasn't even been requested (usually for my own usage).
8. Fulfilled requests will be deleted from this thread.
9. If there are problems or you have a question, please don't hesitate to PM me.
*** Remember to COMMENT when you download any of the files ***