Parting Shots at Palin

Nov 10, 2008 11:39

I would have had a hard time believing it, but Sarah Palin is even more stupid and irresponsible than we imagined. She allegedly didn't know which countries were in NAFTA and thought that Africa was a country. After her first interview with Charlie Gibson she "just didn't have the bandwidth" to study for the Couric interview. She also spent a ( Read more... )

election2008, politics, sarah palin

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Comments 36

jwgh November 10 2008, 20:22:06 UTC
My basic problem with all of these allegations is that I don't see any reason why I should believe any of them. (I'm not saying they're not true.)

While the press presumably usually have a reason for slanting for or against a particular candidate, I'd be a lot happier if they came out and said what those reasons were, as their absurd coverage of Al Gore during his presidential run have not inclined me to trust their judgment.


altamira16 November 10 2008, 21:00:34 UTC
Well, some people are arguing that some people are trying to turn Palin into the fall guy.

But I just do not see the reason for it. What would McCain or anyone have to gain by doing this?

I think the reason to believe the expenses is that the RNC has to disclose what it pays for things. For example, Sarah Palin's makeup artist was the highest paid person on McCain's staff one month. She was paid twice what any policy person on staff was paid.

In addition to the above, it is said that some of the clothes are now "lost."


jwgh November 10 2008, 21:52:56 UTC
Things that there's actual documentation of, sure, if the documentation can be produced. Random allegations by unnamed individuals, I'm disinclined to take their word for it.

As far as motivation goes, it seems that the people in question loathed Palin (they basically say as much). Listening to people with a grudge slam someone behind his or her back doesn't seem like the best way to get an accurate, much less balanced, picture of what's been going on.


tongodeon November 10 2008, 22:49:32 UTC
Things that there's actual documentation of, sure, if the documentation can be produced. Random allegations by unnamed individuals, I'm disinclined to take their word for it.

To be fair, I said "She allegedly didn't know which countries" because I agree - those allegations have not been proven and it's important to separate what you know from what you suspect or what someone has told you. But the allegation isn't "random" the way that finding a piece of paper on the ground is random. I have documentation of a reporter with regular and direct access to campaign staffers in direct contact with Palin is saying that they told him something. The evidence isn't as strong as the original digibeta tape of the actual gaffe but it's not nothing either.

Listening to people with a grudge slam someone behind his or her back doesn't seem like the best way to get an accurate, much less balanced, picture of what's been going on.

Granted, but what is a better way? Asking her own staffers? Sees like we're going to deal with weak credibility ( ... )


mmcirvin November 10 2008, 21:19:24 UTC
The business about VP candidates not giving concession speeches baffles me a little, because I have distinct memories of Dan Quayle giving a surprisingly gracious one in 1992. Maybe being the sitting vice president changes things.


agentelrond November 11 2008, 00:12:53 UTC
Then again, a lot of these shocking stories could just be rumors from people trying to shoot down any chances she'd have for 2012 so their own candidates could run.


and that would be bad how??? drieuxster November 11 2008, 02:45:58 UTC

Clearly we have the problem with working out IF the republican party should be interested in any of the traditional things that Republcians use to be engaged in, The Military, Foreign Policy, Fiscally Sound Policy, Law and Order.

And remind me where Caribou Barbie fits into any of that???


Re: and that would be bad how??? agentelrond November 11 2008, 03:03:16 UTC
I didn't say I'd want her to be the next Republican candidate, just that one should take these rumors with a grain of salt.

Anyway, aren't there plenty of valid reasons to oppose her without having to make shit up?


Re: and that would be bad how??? drieuxster November 11 2008, 03:17:02 UTC
yes, there are various good reasons to oppose her, without the need to make shit up ( ... )


ikkyu2 November 11 2008, 06:55:15 UTC
Why are we still talking about Sarah Palin? Haven't we proven that she and her kind are irrelevant now?


tongodeon November 11 2008, 19:09:31 UTC
The Republican party has been routed and they're reinventing themselves. This is good. Some Republicans are talking about returning to what made them great: emphasizing personal responsibility, environmental stewardship, realistic goals, guidance from accomplished intellectuals. Others do not, and Sarah Palin appears to be their standard-bearer. If you think these voters are irrelevant now, or think that they will always be irrelevant, I think you are in for a surprise.

... )


epileptikitty November 13 2008, 07:45:00 UTC
late of course. Alaska is desparate for workers in all fields, and so the work force is brimming with the under- and just plain un-qualified. Apparently even the governorship.

SP came from the christian right movement in the eighties to get people on school boards. She just kept moving up, over the bodies of successive mentors.


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