Sales Officials Who Should Be Fired

Nov 07, 2007 10:19

"There's no denying PCs are losing their spunk in Japanese consumers' eyes," said Hiroyuki Ishii, a sales official at Japan's top PC maker, NEC Corp.

washingtonpost, via:lele, shouldbefired, bukkake, japan

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Comments 13

arian1 November 7 2007, 18:40:39 UTC


erikred November 7 2007, 18:53:35 UTC
Yar, or, more likely, AP writers who should be fired. I doubt he used the English word "spunk" in his statement.


tongodeon November 7 2007, 21:30:25 UTC
I've showed this to two native Japanese speakers and they think someone's playing a joke. Given the way that you would say this in japanese, this isn't the kind of mistake that would naturally emerge from a simple inaccurate translation.


erikred November 7 2007, 21:45:40 UTC
There ya go. Idiomatic translation is hard and boring. Spice up your articles with spunk!


erikred November 7 2007, 21:48:09 UTC
Also, out of curiosity, did they go with "ninki naku naru" or "genki naku naru"? If he said "genki," a tragic mistranslation could lead to "losing their spunk" pretty quickly.


spiritualmonkey November 7 2007, 19:04:28 UTC

Is there anything their technology can't accomplish?


tongodeon November 7 2007, 19:15:45 UTC
They're just ahead of the times. In three to five years our computers will be ejaculating in our faces and we'll wonder how we ever got along without it.


spiritualmonkey November 7 2007, 19:38:56 UTC
Yeah, but by then they'll have cell-phones that jizz all over the users chin.


So, abacus lesson anyone?


quercus November 7 2007, 19:50:46 UTC
deathboy, is that you?


flwyd November 7 2007, 20:43:49 UTC
Japanese PC manufacturers must be catching up to typewriter manufacturers in Interzone.


most insightful... drieuxster November 7 2007, 21:46:49 UTC
ah yes... the glories of progress...


eutheria November 10 2007, 10:24:07 UTC
I'm watching Weeds season 2, this episode. Celia and Doug are having sex (these are two major characters, they always hated each other, and suddenly were filled with passion!!). About to orgasm, Celia begins barking like a dog. Doug is taken aback momentarily, then cheers her on, with a 'Good girl! Good girl!'


eutheria November 10 2007, 10:30:57 UTC
(I'm a couple seasons behind, so forgive me if this becomes a more obvious plot point and everyone knows about it but me)


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