Santarchy Pacific 2007 is GO!

Oct 17, 2007 16:24

In the past several years over christmas break I've headed to Japan for Santarchy Tokyo. As with the original This year a few things are different, both logistically and with regard to the overall plan:
  • Santa Burstein has graduated law school and is working for an NGO in Cambodia.
  • Friends of Santa Sneery have opened an office in Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Production is slow this fall/winter. No looming project deadline means that for once I've got time to travel.

In the Chinese alphabet the same character is used to depict "month-long multinational bender" and "opportunity". With this in mind, the Los Angeles / San Francisco Cacophony Society is proud to announce Santarchy Pacific 2007.

Welcome, Santas, to the start of Santacon Season. This year's Santarchy Tokyo rampage is shaping up to be even crazier than past years, because this year our way to Japan we'll be doing a dogleg through Thailand and Cambodia. Santa Burstein has graduated law school and will be managing logistics from his office in Phnom Penh, and Claus Industries has opened a massive office in Bangkok. Santas from America, Japan, and Parts Unknown are welcome to join us for this year's Santarchy Pacific Rim Rampage.

12/02: USA -> Bangkok
12/05: Bangkok -> Phnom Penh
12/12: Phnom Penh -> Bangkok
12/16: Bangkok -> Tokyo
12/22: SANTARCHY TOKYO (Shibuya, Hachiko, Noon)
12/27: Tokyo -> USA

Check the Santarchy Tokyo YahooGroup for upcoming event details. This is my itinerary not necessarily yours; anyone is welcome to join or meet up with us for any part of the trip. As with other Cacophony Society events you are responsible for your own survival, safety, and comfort. San Francisco Santas can book their tickets through Niko Niko Travel at 1825 Post Street (Japan Center). My round-trip tickets were $948 including tax and fuel surcharges on ANA if you're thinking about a budget.

santarchy tokyo, santarchy tokyo:2007

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