I've been a fan of
insomnia, AKA Mark Kraft, for a long time. Sometimes I think he's a little too strident or picks the wrong battles, but the information he brings to the LJ community vastly outweighs the criticisms that I could make of him.
insomnia recently made a post about
scienceofsleep, a community created in exchange for payment by
that movie's production company.
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Comments 18
Is this snark? 'Cause really... the Terms of Use for LJ let them cut us off pretty much whenever. Their hardware, their bandwidth, their rules.
Still, I feel pretty much exactly the way you do about Mark, and to ban an "Anchor Member" of LJ over anything short of stalking is sort of BS. There are really only a couple hundred (if that) Anchor members of this community, and many many more emo kids talking about falloutboy and old ladies with their cats.
Of course it's snark. insomnia hasn't been arrested, is not being sued, and is not being charged with a crime so it's pretty much impossible to give him habeas review.
Of course, if the information was not actually from a WHOIS entry, then that doesn't apply.
if he's got a problem with her professional decision to create [info]scienceofsleep he should have posted her professional contact information - it is inappropriate to bother her at home about what she did at work.
Conversely, if he's got a problem with her personal life (jilted lover?) it's inappropriate to post her employer's phone number and contact information to harass her at work - everyone's got a right to earn a living.
Obviously not from a legal standpoint, but from a "don't-be-a-dick" standpoint...
To a very rough approximation: the WHOIS is more like the yellow pages than the white pages.
I have nothing personal against him; he was one of the first people to add me here who I didn't know in person, and his wife iceblink has become someone I consider a dear friend. But to be honest, I'm surprised his actions didn't bite him in the ass sooner.
So, does this icon count towards losing the bet, too? Or does it need to be more anthro? ;-)
If the teddy bear had a penis or an enormous bulge in the trouseral area I'd be losing the bet. As it stands, it's just a teddy bear.
I like livejournal now exactly as much as I did before Six Apart took it over. They've done nothing I consider to be an improvement.
So I can understand why someone who was instrumental in helping build all the good stuff would be pissed off that others are now profiting from it.
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