Aug 01, 2006 17:16

My new MacBook's 120GB Seagate 5400.2 internal hard drive just died. In hindsight I probably should have seen it coming: it had been hanging sometimes when I woke it up, but I assumed this had something to do with the network at work. I can hear a slight clickity-click, the MacBook does not boot, and the BIOS EFI screen shows a gray folder with a question mark. Unfortunately this isn't an AppleCare issue since I swapped out the stock 60GB drive with the bigger one myself. Fortunately I back up my data regularly, meaning that I'll probably be up and running by this evening after I swap out the drive with another one from Fry's. I may have lost a few days' worth of email and a few novelty MP3s but apart from this being a big pain in the ass I should come out of this OK. On the off-chance that anything is salvageable I'm going to see if putting it in the freezer unsticks it enough to recover the last few days of work.

personal, macintosh:trouble

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