The Pettibone Legacy 2.1 + Isolde for download

Jun 10, 2012 19:26

I just realized I have shamelessly neglected to share my founder, Isolde. If you want her, you'll need to scroll down to the end of this post. Mwahaha!

In the last update of the Pettibone legacy we had twins, Brono and Atla. The Pettibones also opened an art gallery on their home lot. It's doing pretty good. Brono and Atla were sent to college, and Brono was voted for the heir. I have also included some additional pictures of Atla, as I'm having quite a lot of fun playing her. The Spare News can be viewed below the actual update.

Sim appearances by ghen (gen 1 spouse), goldencell  (gen 2 spouse), charterzard,jenga218, superfr0g andgembembaby(LJ makes the listing of LJ users so difficult, everything I write after a name attempts to fuse with it. If anyone knows of a more effective way to list names, please save my nerves and let me know.)

Phew, finally photobucket finished uploading. Here we go:

Brono spent a lot of his time in college painting. Here's him staring into the horizon and painting inexistant cactuses.

Brono: Duh. It's a desert, so I assume there are cacti somewhere out there. Just because you can't see something doesn't necessarily mean it's not there. Learn some common sense.

He also found a new hobby: the handheld.

Brono: Who needs friends?!

He also tested his limits at a local karaoke bar and had a brief moment of light-hearted fun. Luckily there were no potential spouses there to witness it.

Poor Brono felt dirty after the night at the karaoke bar and attempted to purify himself by swetting out the last chords of that painfully out-of-tune "Baby Got Back".

Brono: Never again...

Meanwhile at the Pettibone household Solomon longed for a kitten, so I gave him one. She's called Helmi. The poor kitty will probably become a neglected walk-on since I've never been that big on pets.

Solomon: Give daddy a kiss!

Solomon: Dear diary... Today I got a kitten. Also, note to self: buy size appropriate cat treats.

I hope he takes better care of Helmi than he does for his fish. The poor things need to be scooped out weekly.

Soon enough it was time for Brono to move back home from college. He graduated with the mathematics major.

Brono: Adulthood... I don't like the way it looks.

Brono: Take that! And that! The responsibilities of adult life disguised as a fat plumber, you can't escape me!

Isolde: What is that vile looking junk on your plate, son?
Brono: It's spaghetti, mother. I found some in the college cafeteria and have had it daily ever since. Not that I'd really want to stop, either. The health benefits, you see.
Isolde: The youth these days... No appreciation for the simple virtues of the grilled cheese.

I sent Brono out to look for a spouse. I actually have a special sim in mind for him, but I can't remember her name. Not that it'd really help, since Brono appears to be so much in love with his dear handheld that he wouldn't notice if alien-werewolf-vampire-zombies invaded Bluewater Village in collaboration with plantsim-witches. Or perhaps that's what he's training for...

The business might be a more suitable place for finding that special sim, since Brono will be occupied with restocking instead of his game and won't have to stare at his hands all of the time.

Brono: I can't believe I have to do this...

It's Isolde's turn to show up to work in her underwear.

Isolde: What?

Meanwhile the critic is moaning about the lack of service at the Pettibone porch.

Critic: Can't access the home of owners... Not good. Also, green slime and wildlife. Totally a minus.

Critic: Staff is cute... In a tragic manner...
Brono: I'm wasting my time... And my talent...

Too bad the critic is out of question, since she's the only female sim so far to express any kind of interest in Brono. I never heard from her again, so I assume she scrapped her review and moved on to something more suitable for her level of talent.

Nope, Elise is out of question as well. I'm not even really sure why I have my own sims running around the neighbourhood, since they can't marry into my legacy.

Brono: Darn it! Out of all women, I would have let her borrow my handheld!
Elise: Perhaps it'll go away if I ignore it...

Nope, definitely not Jelly October by charterzard. She attempted to woohoo Solomon and I won't forgive her for at least a couple of generations.

Jelly: That butt really reminds me of someth... Oh.

Badger by superfr0g also stops by.

Isolde: Long time no see! I see your neck is back to normal.
Badger: tlhIngan maH!
Isolde: Yeah, you look around.

Helmi is the only female to show any affection towards Brono today, even if in the form of affectionally biting his nose off.

It's her! Windy by goldencell! She's the sim I have been looking to pair Brono with. Brono dislikes eyewear (that hypocrite) but I have the final word in these matters.

Windy and Brono have a quick chat, and then both Solomon and Isolde pee their pants and the business needs to be closed for the day.

Brono: There's something about Windy...

The following day it's finally time for Solomon and Isolde to get married. I always forget to have male spouses actually married into the family, since all I really care about is the kids getting the legacy name, and as long as the mother is a Pettibone, that is bound to happen.

Atla and Iver by gembembaby, the unofficial Cupid of this legacy, are invited to watch the seremony. The maid, the gardener and a random bypasser tag along. Notice the stunningly elegant formal wear of Iver.

Brono has a very gentle way of applauding. I think it's because all that playing with the handheld has made his fingers sore.

Brono: Hurray! Ouch!

Isolde: I know it's not grilled cheese, but it'll have to do.

At the end of the love filled day, Brono gives Windy a call.

Brono: If you think about it rationally, we're not the perfect match, but there's this annoying voice inside my head telling me were meant to be, and I'm slowly starting to believe it. Want to go out? You can try my handheld if you say yes.
Windy: Okay, but keep in mind that you are my date. Not your handheld.
Brono: Can we at least have spaghetti?

Brono and Windy are actually quite similar looking. Every single sim in this legacy so far has had brown hair, but whatever... They are so cute together. The next spouse will change things, time is just not right for that yet.

Brono: So, I... Err... 
Windy: Impress me.
Brono: So, I defeated the seven-headed ninja plumber today.
WIndy: I'm a family sim. Are you sure you are able to have babies?

Meanwhile, Pablo by jenga218 seems to have grown fat and ripped his shirt.

Pablo: Wait... Isolde likes fat guys, doesn't she? YES!

The date isn't going very well so far. Brono's thoughts are drifting towards his handheld, and Windy is being harrassed by the contessa.

Brono: Hey! Don't mess with my date! I'm the guy who defeated the seven-headed ninja plumber!

Brono: Take that, you harpy!
Windy: Brono... That is so sexy!

Brono: I... I feel like a new man! Come here, woman!

Windy: Oh Brono... I'm yours!

There's no escaping from Malcolm.

Malcolm: Why is it always someone else? There's a poetic spirit below this rough exterior, you know...

Just a funny shot with no informational value other than that Brono and Windy are in a restaurant or in a submarine with a very elaborate dining hall.

The transformation from Brono the geek to Brono the king of the jungle seems to have been brief.

Brono: Wait... What? I was just thinking about the eight-headed plumber ninja, and this isn't him...
Windy: Take me home, Brono. NOW!
Brono: Well, whatever I just did seems to have worked.

This is what Windy gave Brono as a thank you for the date. Very romantic.

The following day featured an engagement in the familiar settings where Isolde also popped the big question in her day.

Brono: This is the next step in this legacy business, right?
Windy: Well, I was already thinking about saying no since you've receded into an annoying wussy again, but now that I've seen your house... It's a YES!

Right there and then the contessa that Brono confronted in the restaurant runs over.

Brono: This escapes all reason. What on earth is going on? Also, shouldn't you be burning? Or are you one of those vampires that  glitter and I just can't see it because of my extraordinarily high level of intelligence?
Windy: Hey, thanks for everything.
Contessa: Sure thing.

Contessa: Oh yeah... The sun! It BUUURNSSS!

That was seriously confusing. I think Windy and the contessa had a deal: the contessa was meant to annoy Windy so that she would find out if Brono was man enough to defend his date. There's no other explanation.

The deal with the contessa aside, I gave Windy a makeover. I took off those glasses so that Brono's world would start to make sense again.

Windy: Time for babies yet?

Nope, marriage comes first - we don't want those babies to carry the surname Goldencell, do we?

There are some issues with the command over the only double bed of the household.

Isolde: Back off, tart! You stole my son, but you are not getting my bed.

After Isolde is succesfully evicted from the bed, Solomon rushes over.

Solomon: Damn it, I'm late!
Windy: Mwahahaha!

Solomon: I'm too old for this.
WIndy: Now let's have those babies!
Brono: I suppose this isn't something the ninja plumber prepared me for...

I believe a caption isn't necessary.

Solomon: This sucks. And these paintings suck, too.
Isolde: I know. That moon guy with the funky chin would totally disapprove.

Solomon: You know, Windy... All the sides to this new living arrangment aren't completely negative.

Solomon and Windy actually turned out to have three bolts for each other, and Solomon is constantly all over Windy.

Windy's running around in her underwear doesn't help the situation. Shame on you, dirty old man! And Windy, put some clothes on for heaven's sake.

Solomon: I might be old, but I am a man!

Windy also considers a skimpy pajama the right attire for setting the house on fire.

The trail of grilled cheese leads to... Windy?

She's the first family member to pay any attention to Helmi for a while. Oh, that reminds me... The fish tank might be in need of a scooping again.

Isolde is making use of her elderly days and eating as much grilled cheese as she can.

Isolde: My taste buds aren't what they used to be, so this'll do.

Brono, you did it! WIndy is pregnant!

Windy: Grilled cheese isn't really that bad!

I can't really blame Solomon... I can't stop staring at those boobs, either.

Poor Brono is having some sort of a meltdown at the porch. I don't think he really minds his father drooling over his pregnant wife as much as the reality of actually having a pregnant wife. That, or his handheld is missing.

Some things never change. I could finish the chapter here but I wont, since I hate to repeat myself.

They did not just have a boy and a girl. Is this lot cursed? I have never had two generations pop out twins in a row.

Brono: How am I supposed to hold this thing? It's so limp.

Well, whatever. What's done is done. Meet Cyril and Dulcinea, the first sprouts of the next generation. Both surprisingly have brown hair and brown eyes.

Space proved to be an issue.

Brono: Sleep tight, my little plumber.

Well, at least we have the elders to help care for th... Oh.

R.I.P Solomon, the founding spouse. The world has lost a an wonderman and a wonderful cashier.

Isolde: Ka-CHING! I'm getting myself a beach house.

You had better knock on that wooden toilet seat now, Isolde.

A few sim minutes later...

Isolde: I can already feel the sweet summer breeze down my neck...


Brono: If I can't see it, it's not happening!

Windy cried a little for Solomon, but didn't really care about the passing of Isolde.

Brono took both deaths very heavily.


This is where I'll finish. It's funny how Isolde was several sim days older than Solomon, but they passed away only a couple of hours apart. Perhaps grilled cheese is the key to a long life? Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for future updates.

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So, I promised to share Isolde, and that I will do. It's a little creepy to offer her up for download right under a picture of hern urn, but a little creepiness never hurt anybody.

Isolde is a sim of grilled cheese and romance. She likes fat redheads and dislikes creativity. She's actually the slightly modified daughter of Rea and another sim of mine.

Isolde with CC Mediafire Dropbox
Isolde without CC Mediafire Dropbox

CC list

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Here are some pictures of Atla, the spare. She moved into a tiny apartment and started a career in culinary.

These hobby people really freak me out.

Atla woohooed the warlock and learnt the ways of evil. She's the first witch I've ever had in my game. It seems a bit confusing, but it's never too late to learn.

Atla met Parles Vouz by charterzard and it was instant love.

Parles and Atla married and moved into a bigger apartment. At first I felt a little bad for depriving Parles his shot at becoming a Pettibone spouse, but then he lost 50,000 simoleons to a chance card.

Hannibal the Hamster.

Atla and Parles are currently expecting. I'm expecting some very, err, unique looking babies.

Phew, massive post. Thanks for reading again, and have a lovely summer.

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