The Pettibone Legacy 1.2: a massive post + heir poll

Jun 01, 2012 23:36

EDITED: Heir poll is closed! Scroll down to the end of the post to see the winner.

I had a massive playing spurt with the Pettibones, and I don't want to post it in parts because that'd mean I'd either have to stop playing for a while or be constantly ahead in my game and forget everything about the pictures I take. So bear with me as I pretty much fast-forward the the second generation to college.

Sim appearances by ghen (spouse),jenga218 charterzardbondchick_nettgembembaby and backerbse.

The last time Iver by gembembaby became my favourite townie as he actually set Solomon and Isolde up on a blind date after I had pretty much given up on finding a three bolt spouse. We also had some stress related issues with the spouse, Solomon, as he decided to escape the challenges of everyday life and become invisible. The last chapter ended with Isolde giving birth. I decided to name any possible babies in an alphabetical order, that is a name starting with A for the first, B for the second, C for the third etc.

Aaaaand we have twins. Excellent. They are a boy and a girl. I named the girl Atla, as she came first. The boy is called Brono.

I hate having more than one baby at a time (and I think Isolde agrees. Solomon just spends his days staring at the TV). And it turns out I had to sacrifice the blender to afford two cribs. :(

Baby madness aside, Pablo by jenga218 decided to stop by (again). He really must have a thing for Isolde, otherwise he wouldn't be standing in a knee-high pile of snow in front of her house.

Awkward ensued. I feel bad for Pablo, he looks like a sad puppy.

Pablo: Isolde, please? Can't you even pretend?

Isolde: Get lost, stinky.

Pablo made his last desperate attempt at winning Isolde's heart by bringing her a jar filled with butterflies he caught from the swarm buzzing over the pile of dirty diapers someone has spread all over the yard (Atla later developed that nasty habit, but that's another story).

Isolde is not impressed.

Isolde: That's one yellow colour patch TOO MUCH!

Shortly afterwards it was the time for the twins to grow up. Pablo tagged along, along with Fry Fondateur by bondchick_nett whom Solomon brought home from work. Notice how the blender has made a comeback.

Brono: Stop staring at my mom, you freak! Here, look at dad instead.
Pablo: All those broken dreams... 
Solomon: That doesn't look too bad, actually.

Brono and Atla. Both look a bit funky, but that's why this is so much fun!

Brono: Ok, ok, you can let go now.
Atla: Oh brother, you have soft cheeks!

Brono creeps me out a bit. He has that disturbing child genious look to him.

Brono: Get lost with the Prt Sc! As if this wasn't already humiliating enough.

I swear that bunny curses at my sim toddlers.

Brono: Look, imbecile - if you want to fight, at least come up with proper arguments! 
Wabbit: Poophead.

Atla: Mr. Bunny, you know how much I like you... But let me tell you that you can't win that battle.
Brono: That's not how you pronounce poophead, you fool!

The stress caused by having twin toddlers has caused Solomon to go hiding again.

Solomon: Children... Bills... Why did I have to grow up?

I sent him to the peace and quiet of the unfinished upstairs to meditate. It worked to sooth his nerves, and he actually received 50,000 simoleons from a chance card the next day. I really like him - sometimes he's really difficult and acts like a grumpy child, but he always tends to come to the rescue when I need simoleons for something.

I was able to finish the Pettibone home and build the beginnings of a small home business. I'm not really the most inventive when it comes to architechture, but it does serve its purpose! And I had no idea those solar panels actually helped reduce bills. I thought they were purely for decorative purposes, but one beautiful morning the mail carrier actually refunded the family 7 simoleons for being green! Here are a couple of shots of new upstairs with Strobos by backerbse kindly helping to model it.

Strobos: Grrreeeeeeensleeeeeeves...

Atla and Brono became children. I always use this pose, it's so convenient for having them both in the same picture.

Another one by the sunflowers, because sunflowers are nice.

Brono: This is getting old.
Atla: Shut up, you're ruining my pose.

I let Atla keep the fairy outfit that she aged into because it looks cute, and there are never enoug fairies running around.

The Pettibone's first burglar. I'm so proud! She's heading straight into the (still empty) home business.

Burglar: This is going to be big...

Burglar: Did I make a mistake with the address? This is the Pettibone household, right?

Burglar: This is looking better!

The alarm freaked her out and she ran around the house like a headless chicken until the police arrived to pick her up.

Brono isn't as tough as I thought he was...

Isolde and Solomon really aren't the most supportive parents. They taught their kids how to do their homework sitting on the lawn, and all they serve them is grilled cheese (although that's something for which you should mainly blame Isolde).

Atla: Moooooooooom! Stop biting dad's ear and look at my report card!

Luckily Isolde and Solomon have been on birth control ever since the twins were born.

Brono: Is that your arteries screaming for help?
Atla: Mind you, I happen to like grilled cheese.
Brono: That's because you've never had anything else.

Meanwhile in the bedroom, Solomon is starting to express signs of stress again. I caught him attempting to auto woohoo Jelly October by charterzard


Luckily Isolde wasn't there to witness, and I was able to send Jelly home without much hassle.

Jelly: Sheesh, it was his idea!

Jelly October, you are no longer welcome in this house.

Jelly: Whatever.

Solomon: It will not happen again! I promise!

It had better not.

Mail carrier: Halp!

I hate having nannies for children. They can easily eat a bag of chips or leftovers or something. Why do they need to be accompanied by a lazy elder who will only sit on the couch and watch tv? Anyway, I'll get rid of her soon. Atla and Brono are just about to grow up.

Both got to keep their look. Brono is a geek and Atla remains a fairy princess. I think the bangs really suit her. Brono rolled fortune/knowledge and Atla rolled family/romance. Both are actually just what I was hoping for.

In other news, Solomon brought a yellow child home from work. I think it's the stress talking again. As Captain Hero he must have some secret resources for abducting children that I wish to remain unaware of.

I sent the family on a vacation to Takemizu village. Perhaps it'll keep Solomon under control (and the children and women of Bluewater village safe) for a while.

I left Isolde and Solomon to mind their own business in the hotel room and took Brono and Atla out to do all that stuff that tourists normally do. Also, it turned out that notownieregen has left my vacation hoods completely touristless and local-less (I did make some locals later, but I'm still trying to figure out how to get the tourists to appear).

Shopping is the first and foremost activity of every vacation.

Atla: And that, and that... Oh, and that too!
Brono: Take it easy, I can't carry much more.

Atla didn't let the rain bother her and went native.

Brono: No one here knows me - to be exact, there's no one here - and I can do whatever I want! Take that, fountain! HAA HAA!

The vacation was a bit boring due to the lack of other sims, so I sent them home pretty soon. My new locals are great though, as I customized them for every destination, so the next vacation the Pettibones take should prove more interesting.

Back home Atla experienced some sort of a teen meltdown and stated behaving accordingly.

Not very princess-like.

Atla: Screw princesses! I'm fierce now. Fierce-in-a-pink-kimono. Now watch me kick over the trash can and abuse the lawn ornaments!


The next day Brono brought home Payton. He and Solomon started to quarrell for a reason I missed. Isolde seems to have missed it too.

Brono immediately ran to his room and cried.

Brono: So what, I have a soft side! It gives me a wider understanding of the simian experience! Now leave me alone!

Atla, however, found it irrestistable that a guy in a brown tracksuit with some odd yellow symbols on its back had the guts to stand up to his father.

Atla: That was hot. Want to make dad even more mad?

Solomon: You punk, I'm Captain Hero! The other day I abducted a yellow kid, do you have any idea what I could do to you? Did I also mention that I can turn invisible at will? Now back off and stay away from my daughter!
Payton: Yes, sir. Okay, sir.
Atla: Thisissoembarrassing.
Brono: I... I...

Brono: WAAAAHHH! So much pain and suffering! This world is killing me!

Atla and Payton kept seeing each other, but I doubt he's spouse material even for a spare.

Also, I'm starting to think that Solomon may have made a valid point.

Soon the day of the grand opening of the Pettibone Salon of Art of Varying Quality arrived. It's strictly a family business. Solomon became the cashier and Isolde is taking care of the sales while the twins are restocking.

Iver by gembembaby receives discount for all the good he has done for the family. I think he might be getting a bit smug.

Atla maxed her creativity, and I had her paint a portrait of Isolde while she's still an adult. Elderhood comes so suddenly.

This is what Isolde aged into. I let her keep it, it might help attract clientele...

My strategy seems to be working.

Isolde: There no denying it...

Isolde makes a creepily cute elder. Custard O'Cream by charterzard  is also cute, which is why she made it into this shot.

Solomon also grew up, and appears to have forgotten his pants. Well, at least he's not invisible or trying to woo customers or kidnap their children.

Solomon: Let an old man enjoy the breeze. I bet Isolde can feel it too!

Despite the questionable clothing choices of the staff, the Pettibone Salon of Art of Varying Quality is doing pretty good. As long as the elders are given one pee break per day, the business is making profit. I really like OFB, it has endless opportunities and I feel a little boring for making an art salon. I might expand it during future generations...

- - - - - - - -

HEIR POLL IS CLOSED: Brono is the winner! Thank you for everyone who voted! Atla is going to move into an apartment and go on with her life with the assistance of the lot sync timer.

Phew, now all that is left is the heir poll. I sent the twins to college. I present you Brono and Atla as young adults:

Brono is a fortune/knowledge sim. He's a genious with a nearly perfect poker face. Underneath his seemingly unmoved appearance he has, as Malcolm would have put it, a tender soul. He's into tinkering and has so far maxed his mechanical skill.

Atla is a family/romance sim. In her early teens she went through some sort of a transformation from a boring fairy princess to a rebellious fierce-in-a-pink-kimono. Her personality still contains both sides, although the rebellious side seems to be the more prominent one. She's into music and dance and has maxed the creativity skill.

Some extra shots of college life:

Atla getting right into the most entertaining part of university: giving dormies creepy makeovers.

Atla: More!
Brono: What is this crap on TV these days?

Thank you for reading, and please help me choose the heir (even if you didn't really read - Solomon won't come after you, I promise). I seriously can't decide.

sims 2 photos, sims 2

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