*pokes at people* *pokespokespokespokes--!*

Nov 30, 2010 12:24

Where are your comments when I need them the most ;o; ?! I'M BORED DAMMIT!

Today I'll finish the screentoning of the second Archer/Kimmy story (the one containg Prisoner!Kimbly smexing, Bradley/Archer and Philosopher's Stone abusing, LOL --It's a really WEIRD story) and sort things out for the missing pages...

Anyway, first of all, maiyeng released the ( Read more... )

memes & quizzes, doujinshi, black jack

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Comments 22

ceasefire November 30 2010, 11:28:44 UTC
I was just gonna reply to your comment too! orz


I adore Thassarian/Koltira Deathweaver and Jadaar/Asric from Warcraft. idk maybe only WoW fans can see the appeal of dead human/dead elf and big blue space goat/tiny fel magic-addicted elf but OH WELL. They are my OTPs in WoW. One of them is getting axed in the next expansion (sob) but but but the other is getting some really awesome scenes, so I'm happy!

Ummm, I'm rereading HP and reliving all my OTPs from that. Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, Harry/Luna, Lucius/Narcissa, Bill/Fleur, James/Lily omg omg omg. I crave Lucius/Narcissa+baby!Draco fic, and James/Lily+baby!Harry fic so much.

And then there's Togainu no Chi, in which I ship half brother/half brother (Shiki/Rin) and Akira/Rin. I mainly just adore Rin and would take him with anyone coz fic and art of him is so rare, especially for couples.

And of course, my usual love orz.


tomoe_daeva November 30 2010, 12:16:20 UTC
--I never got it, WoW isn't actually a RPG game, where you come up with your own characters..? Are there also "fixed" characters that belong to a proper storyline too..?

LOL, Harry Potter x'D
I remember that when it was out I liked Harry/Hermione 'cause it reminded me of Shinji/Asuka x'D

I LIKE SHIKI/RIN TOO ;o; <3 I mean, it's obvious that it's just US seeing IT, but in the last episode, when Shiki went with that "You're a weak fool" little speech, he reminded me of ol'times Itachi/Sasuke and my heart skipped a beat x'D

Oh, Reborn-- I actually tried to read it something like a year ago, but, as much as I liked it, no luv sparked between us :/
I like Gokudera/Yamamoto, though x'D !


schtiel November 30 2010, 16:11:05 UTC

Omg. Who is getting deads?

/commentjacking to nerd out! SORRY DAEDAE. XD <3333


ceasefire November 30 2010, 16:12:23 UTC
Apparently Asric and Jadaar's story is ending, sob.


forchancookie November 30 2010, 11:31:27 UTC
*too tired for coherency*

I agree with the stupid Izaya/Shizuo pairing. Do not want. Though, ironically, the only Durarara fic I wrote was Shizuo making stabby rape to Izaya. It was cathartic I think XD

Those brothers are too cute together. *falls asleep on Dae and drools everywhere*


tomoe_daeva November 30 2010, 12:21:33 UTC
I kinda like IzaShizu, 'cause, you know, Izaya-kun just wants Shizu-chan to notice and like him back∼ but-- Their hate looks SO GENUINE, I have troubles to see them working as a proper pairing XD
Another popular Shizuo pairing is Tom/Shizuo, that for some reason doesn't spark my interest-- Which is weird, 'cause I usually like those cute superior/subordinate relationships and Shizuo looks quite comfy around Tom...


But it's troubling, 'cause the author have heir hands SO FULL with destroying my DRRR yaoi fangirling with all that RANDOM HETEROSEXUALITY everywhere--! It's like D.Gray-man XD !


phoenix_filth November 30 2010, 12:11:21 UTC
Alur,siccome ultimamente leggo solo Marvel praticamente (e varie oneshot pwp yaoi scovate a caso qua e là XD),il mio immaginario di fangirl rimane lì XD
A parte l'ovvissimo Wolvie/Gambit,posso elencare: Steve Rogers/Namor (perchè Namor è un pushy uke perfetto u_u <3,Bullseye/Daken (il resto del mondo shippa Daken/Bullseye ma chissene XD),la supercanon Hulking/Wiccan...eppoi Bucky/BlackWindow (l'unica coppia het XD).Poi ci sarebbe anche movie!Sabretooth/movie!Wolverine (che implica il fatto che inconsciamente shippi Liev Schreiber/Hugh Jackman XD)

Ppppoiii *pensa* Kiriwar/Gunji di Togainu no Chi.E credo che al momento sia tutto u_u


tomoe_daeva November 30 2010, 12:24:44 UTC
Ma che pucce le Yaoi fangirl della Marvel/DC x'D --Anche perchè siete fortunate, nel canon ci sono un sacco di hints e subtexts deliziosi, e l'universo dei comics è così ben nutrito :D
Tuttavia, l'imprinting di anime giappo che ho avuto nell'infanzia mi impedisce di mostrare interesse per qualunque media che non sia giapponese XD --E' un limite orribile, lo so ;_;

Ah, KiriGunji∼ Un'altra coppia che DOVREBBE piacermi ma invece mi lascia indifferente D: --COSA MI STA SUCCEDENDO LOL ?!!!!


phoenix_filth November 30 2010, 12:36:00 UTC
Esatto!Ci sono un sacco di spunti,messaggi subliminali etc. ;_; <3 Però la nostra vita è difficile,visto che la maggior parte dei lettori di comics sono maschi che si identificano con i charas u__u Uno delgi argomenti di discussione alla marvel conference del comicon è stato "ma Daken è etero o omo?" LOL siamo delle emarginate çAç

Io ho fatto incetta di doujinshi KiriGunji e artbook/fanbook di Togainu e Lamento a Tokyo...avevo 4 kg di roba yaoi pesante nel bagaglio a mano XD La mia compagna di viaggio era terrorizzata dall'imbarazzo dei possibili controlli di sicurezza *rotola*


tomoe_daeva November 30 2010, 13:07:24 UTC
Ahah, ovviamente x'DDD
Ma non siamo poi così emarginate, YAOI IS POWER!
Persino su Supernatural sono stati forzati a fare un episodio sullo slash x'D --Poi dopo l'episodio in questione la serie è degenerata e i fratelli si sono accoppiati rispettivamente con un angelo e un demone di appropriato sesso femminile, ma vabbeh...

Anche io sto pianificando un viaggio a Tokyo per dedicarmi agli acquisti folli ^o^ !!!
Ma si può portare il porno nel bagaglio a mano..? Caska mi diceva che di solito si spedisce via posta perchè è vietato smerciare il porno-- Forse ho capito male io >_> ..?

Io sono un pò in crisi, perchè più serie guardo, più trovo pairings yaoi stuzzicanti e più robe su di loro voglio accumulare x'DDD --Perchè, perchèèèè--- Non ho abbastanza neuroni per tutti questi OTP x'D


(The comment has been removed)

tomoe_daeva November 30 2010, 16:47:09 UTC
If you want Roy as the uke why do you write him first in the pairings, LOL XD ?

Awww, I'm not into FMA so much anymore, but I can see the charm of molesting the Flame Alchemist x'D


midori_chan17 December 1 2010, 04:45:45 UTC
I love them with all my heart, they are just the perfect couple of my dreams *_*
Yes, I'm into incest, but that's not all, they are just made for each other, I love them, they make me cry, laugh, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, I'm in love with their love!
It's so intense, pure, tragic, beyond everything, humanity, morals, frienship, family bonds, the village ideals. They just defy all in their way to show their love for the other, to destroy Konoha, to star a war, that's absolutely beautiful *_*


tomoe_daeva December 1 2010, 18:10:35 UTC
I love it madly too ♥

Ah, on an entirely different note, when you comment on my posts can you do it by licking the "Reply" at the end of the post, not the ones on comments?

... )


AH! midori_chan17 December 1 2010, 19:40:03 UTC
Sorry! I didn't see this, and I was wondering how to post comments... Thank you!


Re: AH! tomoe_daeva December 1 2010, 19:46:42 UTC
Ahah, no problem ^_^ !


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